Tuesday 7 March 2017

The Great Escape pt 2: Fading Whispers

--- Last time ---

Lorenzo: Don’t complain. Just point the direction we’re going in. Since I have so called ‘divine blood’ it might as well be put to some use.

Agent N: I can walk just fine…. Put me down.

Lorenzo: Suck it up. We’ll get there faster.

Agent N: Asshole. Never listening to what I say… *Mutters* How we ever got together, I don’t know.

*N pulls out her communicator and a GPS sparks to life, pointing to their direction. And a secret root to there destination. *

Lorenzo: Very well. Hang on tight.

*With that, they set off, silently making their way through the dense forest to begin their journey.*

--- Forest, several miles from the Pandora Rendezvous point ---

While racing against the clock, a faint, mechanical voice whispers in the darkness, directing a pair to there destination. Running through the dense tree line, they briefly come to a halt so the man can catch his breath. He gently puts down the woman as she huffs.

Agent N: Y-you didn't have to carry me... I… I can walk just fine on my own… I’m not long for this world anyway, so… just take my communicator and go. C will meet you there… Q-quickly.

*She huffs and wheezes, coughing violently into her hand*

Lorenzo: I thought I told you already that I am not about to deal with useless baggage. Your body would definitely be useless baggage. Besides, I’m certain if I were to go alone, having abandoned you to die here, that I would not be long for the world either. So shut up and let me at least get you to the meeting point. If you then decide to die with them, that’s your own choice. But you’re not dying in the middle of nowhere because I foolishly expected my men to, you know, follow orders, instead of acting on their own.

*He takes a few more breaths, before straightening a little*

Lorenzo: How far are we from the meeting place? If it’s still a way away, I’m checking your bandages. No arguments. I’m tired enough of your nihilism, currently.

Agent N: You expect sentient being with free will to obey you?

Lorenzo: What, you mean that you never obeyed orders in Pandora, even with free will? Funny, I assumed that people there also had free will.

*she chuckles, before the coughing fits start again, this time small droplets of crimson beading her palm*

Agent N: Why do you think we broke away from the gods, dumb ass? ...We’re… two hours a away, roughly. I wonder if i’ll make it…

*She stops as she knoticed her vision getting blurry. Taking shallow breaths, she attempts to carry on*

Agent N: You know, I was thinking...

Lorenzo: A dangerous pastime, since you only seem to be thinking about dying right now. If it is about dying, I’ll kill you myself. *sighing* You may as well continue while we’re moving. If it’s still two hours away, and you’re like this, then I’m going to need to move fast. Bandages don’t do much for internal injuries. Come on
*He scoops N back into his arms once more and sets off again.*

Lorenzo: Well?

Agent N: God you just love to run your mouth… bastard, i was thinking you should leave Phenix and be an observer, leave with what men are loyal to you. And once you are able to see the agency in with new eyes consult them… which ever side you decide to ally with. I don’t want you hurt i just… i want you to just be free of all this mess.

*After being silent for a long moment, he finally speaks*

Lorenzo: Funny that you also called me selfish when I suggested going my own way before. Now you’re suggesting to do just that. *shaking his head* I’m not sure I could be an observer. I did what I did because people weren’t doing anything, or by the time they got through the red tape it was already too late. Being an observer means doing nothing but watch. I might not be who I once was, but that has not changed.

Agent N:... Then be an arbiter…. One…

*Her breath is now slowed, forced*

Agent N: One that works outside of these opposing forces… please think... about… it…

*With that, she passes out*

Lorenzo: N? N?! Shit! Don’t you dare die on me, N!

*Unable to do anything else, as stopping would only stall help longer, Lorenzo taps into his abilities and darts forwards, faster than any human could go. The faster he reached the meeting point, the faster she could get help. In the end, the two hour trek ended up being much, much shorter, despite nearly exhausting himself once he had reached the meeting spot. In a clearing, a black van was waiting.*

*From behind the closing door emerges Agent C*

Agent C: Oh looks who's early? Whats with the look on your face Daddy?

Lorenzo: Maybe if you used your eyes - I don’t think now is the time to be joking. N needs help.

Agent C: Aren't we frazzled? I thought you didn't care what happened to her, since she didn't want to join you over on the dark side.

*Agent C takes N from Lorenzo carefully, putting her down on a makeshift mattress. He then removes several different crystals from his jacket and chants a healing spell*

Agent C: Hopefully you’ll hang on till morning, N. Reinforcements should arrive then. I’ll take you home where it's safe, so be strong for us.

Lorenzo: You know, if I didn’t care what happened to her, I wouldn’t have constantly reminded her to watch what she did. I wouldn’t have covered for several of her slip ups. And please don’t be so patronising. Dark side. Are we a TV show? Whatever… That’s besides the point. Either way, I returned N to you, despite her constant complaints to just leave her to die. So, I’m here. Is this the part where you strike me down in righteous fury? Or shall we get to the point?

Agent C: Don’t. Tempt me. Lorenzo. I have years fury I could release right now. And if I was preoccupied...

*His eyes gestured over to N, the crystal pulsating a faint glow*

Agent C: And if it wasn't for her warning…. I would have already sucker punched you, but now? I don't have anything to say to you till morning. You can wait till then, can't you, big boy?
Lorenzo: I hardly have a choice in the matter. I’m only here because N decided to take the time to keep bugging me about it and even she gave up in the end, when things did change.

Agent C: Gave up or changed tactics? You know… I assumed you were smarter than this. She used this trick to get us on board with her plans for a long time ‘n we all kept falling for it. ‘Bring up what she wants, let it rest, bring it up, let it rest, present a situation to peek our interest and leave’ - it makes us invested enough to follow along each and every time. A desperate attempt to get you to come along… all to save you in time. What a joke.

Lorenzo: I didn’t ask to be saved. That was all your doing. You don’t have to like me. You can hate me, despise me, if you like. But know that this was still your choice. That you haven’t just decided to kill me off is a miracle, but again, your choice. To say otherwise would make me no matter than the damned gods.

*He turns away from C*

Lorenzo: Assuming you decide not to kill me now, I’ll leave you to taking care of N. I would rather you didn’t have to suffer my presence for now. We can speak tomorrow, I’m sure. Of course, if you do kill me, have fun chatting to my corpse. Until the morrow then.

*With that, he moves to a different part of the clearing, separate from the black van. After all, he was well aware of the bitterness in the other man and, since they would not be having their meeting until the next day, felt it prudent to leave the tensions until then*

Agent C: I loath your presence. The man you have become… you’re not the leader - the man I looked up to. But, the most frustrating thing about all of this, is that I can still see that man when I look at you.

*C clenches his fists*

Agent C: And that’s the most frustrating part. Dumb ass, stop wearing that mask of yours and come back to the light already.

*He sighs*

Agent C: Pft. ‘I just wanna hit him sometimes, he's so thick headed now’... You were right. You're always right, N. I really wanna knock some sense into him.


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