Sunday 19 March 2017

Love and War pt 3

--- Last time ---

Boy: I’m doomed, aren't I? You could do anything and get away with it, just coz you smile, hahaha.

*Walking into the tent, the Boy’s eyes grow wide*

Boy: So, this is the real thing, huh?

Child: Yes. This is the real thing. Welcome to the war, my dear.

--- Main Camp, Unknown Location ---

*After a well informed meeting with various Gods, the pair make their way back towards the Child's tent. The Boy quickly stoked the fire to bring in some semblance of light and warmth to the surrounding area. Slowly, bit by bit, the magnificence of the tent is revealed. Fine silks drape the center of the room, feeding out into the bedside area, maps and documents neatly piled work space near by, and the scent of fragrant oils wasted though the air, a few open bottles by a statue. One which had a striking resemblance to the child.*

*With elegant, practiced hands, the Child makes light work of removing his armor, and fastening it to the corresponding areas of the statue and helped them to slip into something more comfortable, before briefly flicking through documents resting on his desk, setting them down for a later time.*

Child: Welcome to my humble abode. Relax anywhere. I’m sure after everything recently, the rest will do us both some good.

Boy: ….. Are we…. Wait, are we in a war zone or in the early stages of aunt A’s temple? I’m confused!!!!

*The Child laughs softly, offering a slightly cheeky look to the Boy*

Child: Did you forget just who we are? It is something that I guess you could say is useful. This is merely a construct. If we needed to move and fast, it’s a simple process to remove it, even for those who aren’t magic orientated. But again, it’s for morale purposes than anything else. If any of this was put to the test against the real thing, they certainly wouldn’t last long. They would wear out or degrade far too quickly to outlast things truly made.

*The Boy, still in awe, looks around the tent*

Boy: could have fooled me, i must say Master, durable or not this place is simply divine, i wonder if i’ll have the right to earn a tent like this soon.

*The boy slowly sets down his satchel and removes his armored garments. Placing them at a eye distance before walking over to the Child, clinging on to there robles for the moment.*

Child: Well, considering that, as you are here only temporarily, there would be no need to make another accommodation. While you are here, you are under my command as my vassal. So, I believe that you have a right to the tent.

*Smiling, the Child brushes a strand of hair from the Boy’s face*

Child: You know, we are in private now. You don’t need to call me ‘Master’ here. Well, you could, but it might make for an interesting connection to the meaning of the word later.

Boy: Y-you know…. Your appearance and your personality doesn't match up at times…. Perverted lover of mine. I bet if I could give birth, we would have had at least a dozen by now… well, at least I’m staying in here, I guess.

*The boy takes the child’s hand and tugs them towards the bed, falling backward with the Child hanging over them.*

Child: Well, if you really wanted them…..

*They leave the sentence hanging, before laughing softly and nudging their forehead to the Boy’s*

Child: But I think I’d get jealous. After all, I would prefer your attention to stay on me, I think. At least for a while. *Their expression softens* ….I really missed you, you know. I can barely believe that you’re actually here.

*The Boy chuckles, pulling the Child closer for a brief kiss*

Boy: Awww, you don't want little pups running around? If they look anything like you, they would be cute, don't you think? But… truthfully, I missed you too. |Even though we use Kuro, it’s not the same. He doesn't have your scent… I was so scared I would forget it, that I… I begged and fussed until they let me come. Coming up with a full proof plan was the only way I was allowed to see you in person again. And, to be here now… with you in my arms again… it's like a dream.

Child: I hope it’s not a dream. If it is, I might not want to wake up. *Smiling, they nuzzle the Boy’s cheek with their own* But I hope that this is reality. I wish to wake with you at my side, after all.

Boy: Mas- My love. I-I‘m so happy. So, so happy. No words can truly describe these feelings in my heart. What do I do? Tell me.

Child: Well, they do say actions can speak louder than words. Perhaps if you can’t find the words to say, you might wish to….give me a demonstration, instead?

Boy: D-demonstration? How?

*The Boy blushes now, turns away from the Child’s gaze*

Boy: I’m being serious here.

*The Child leans back a little, so they can look at the Boy’s face better, their expression calm, no trace of joking on their features*

Child: So a I.

Boy: Then… what exactly do I need to do? Are you not the one giving orders? B-be more precise. Tell me exactly what I must do.

*with the excitement and embarrassment rising within him, the boy buries his face in his palms, hoping that the Child did not hear the velocity in which his heart was pounding*

Child: Ah, are you perhaps hoping to see what it is like to be under my command, instead?

*They let out a soft breath of a laugh, before shaking their head and leaning close again.*

Child: Perhaps, instead, you might prefer a demonstration? Would you like for me to show you my feelings first?

Boy: W-well you are my ‘master,’ is it not your responsibility to coach those under you to make sure they know exactly what to do when the situation arises. So teach me master.

Child: *Raising a brow* Are you absolutely sure you want to use the ‘Master’ thing right now? People will certainly talk tomorrow if you can’t say the word without turning red. As adorable as that would be, it will certainly prevent us from rooming together if the others think we’re taking part in questionable play.

*His ears reddened by the words unintentionally escaping his lips, before he catches himself.*

Boy: We do that anyway… dummy.  What's the difference? But, if you don’t wish to be my tutor, then should I find someone else? Eep! I, ah, that didn’t mean to come out. I um...

Child: *Smirking now* Oh? When did I say that? I’d be quite happy to teach you, you darling pupil *They lean close again, fingers trailing over the boy’s jawline.* I was just making sure that you were comfortable with that, too. Alright then. Be a good student now, alright? And *Leaning in further, lips hovering just over his *Do your best…..not to blush, alright?

Boy: M-master, don't go easy on me. I can be a difficult student when i what to be.

*The boy chuckles before meeting the Child's lips the rest of the way.*

--- A few hours later ---

*Laying on the bed, absently running fingers through the boy’s hair, the Child looks up at the ceiling of the tent sleepily, humming contently*

Voice: You seem happy? I assume you haven't forget what I told you about that flower?

*Huffing softly, the Child closes their eyes*

Child: I haven’t forgotten. I am doing nothing that he himself isn’t asking for. And I’m baring in mind what you’ve said. Though, perhaps, if even this is too much, you should probably have spoken to him about it as well. But I am being careful.

*They open one eye, mischief glinting in it*

Child: Although, it’s kind of creepy to think you watch. Pervert.

*The Voice chuckles softly*

Voice: You know as well as I, if I say anything now, it will be fuel for him to defy me. And, I’ll have you know I give you space in times like these. I prefer not to be labeled as a pervert, thank you very much. Silly child.

Child: *Chuckles* I actually meant before all this. But ah well. So, are you just checking up on me that I haven’t taken every first? Or did you have anything else in mind with your visit today, milady?

Voice: Oh my! Dare I ask?  You’re as cheeky as ever, little one. But I just wanted to see that my boy had settled in nicely… What do you think of him in combat? Do you think he’ll be ok out there or should I add a little more to his training? ‘We’ watched his little fight previously.

Child: One fight won't say much about everything he can do. There is, of course, always room for improvement, but he certainly seems on the right track. If he keeps it up, he’ll be much stronger than me by the time he joins the battle properly. For that, I’m glad. The stronger he is, the more likely he will survive. Though warriors see me as a patron, I am a god that revels in life. That he’ll live to see the end of this warms me more than anything.

Voice: ...Hmm… Then I’ll leave him in your care for now. Do me a favor and teach him some restraint. Those ‘little scratches’ could have been a lot worse. You know just how reckless he can be. But anyway, I need to get going, and I’ll check on you soon, little one. Be safe.

Child: Of course. You know I wouldn’t allow anything to happen to him if I can help it. If teaching him how to better block or dodge will help, then I will. And, don’t worry, I’ll be sure to protect myself as well. Take care, Mother.

Voice: Untill next we speek.

*After a short while, the boy begins to stir, slowly opening his eyes*

Boy: Hm? My love? Who were you talking to?

Child: Just the voices in my head, dear. Joking aside, I was just getting an update from one of the gods in a different team. Nothing too serious, thankfully.

Boy: Eh! Wait, someone saw us?! Oh no! The last thing we need is a scandal! I should leave!!!

*The boy begins to panic, inching closer to the edge of the bed. The child snorts and pulls him back again*

Child: It was a telepathic message, love, calm down. If someone had seen us like this, don’t you think I might have done something to protect your honour? Besides, I’m good with illusions. No one would have seen us like this. Calm yourself.

Boy: Geeez! Don’t worry about my honour, worry about yours!!! Though, I suppose you're right.

*The boy sighs while settling into the bed again, letting out a yawn*

Boy:  I suppose we should get up and eat something… but I don't know why I'm still a little sleepy. Probably because I'm not used to the lower realm quite yet? Should we get up or stay like this a little longer?

Child: *Calculating the time quickly* We have time to do either. It’s still early yet. The camp never fully sleeps, so even at this time in the night, people would probably be awake to get you food, if you’d like some. If you can wait a while, though, we should sleep a little more. Tomorrow’ll be a long day.

Boy: Sure, sounds like a plan to me. Means I can get more of your scent then. I’m happy.

*The boy burrows into his lover’s chest, once more arms wrapping around them tight*

Boy: Then I won't let go till day break. Night night ‘Master.’

Child: *Laughing softly* Goodnight, love.


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