Sunday 11 February 2018

I'm Thinking About You

--- Top Tier Suite, Pandora-Affiliated Hotel, Izumo, Japan ---

Rodessa: Rozyus- Before I forget, my name is Rozyus. Yours?

*Rodessa yawned. It had been a few days since her last contact with her partner in crime. Violet had been out most of the day and had yet to return. Bored, the girl reached out for her phone, her fingers dancing across the screen in an all too familiar pattern, growing impatient as she waited for the receiver to finally pick up the call.*

Rodessa: AAAAGH! Why is it taking so long… he better not be out, on hunting I swair!!!

*A few more chimes later and finally the receiver was picked up, a somewhat exhausted, if well hidden to all who didn’t know the person themselves, voice responding. It was somewhat obvious that they had automatically answered the phone without checking who was dialing.*

Voice: Agent Yin here.


Voice: ...Ro?

*The voice sounded slightly startled, but there was a definite warmth (even a little relief) in his tired voice as he continued*

Huxian: Awww, did I worry you? I’m sorry, Ro. In future, I’ll be sure to respond in three rings even if the demons of the underworld are after me. How’s that? Though you’ll have to forgive me if you get cut off by gun fire or blood splatter. I’m sure you understand, right?
Rodesa: *Sad eyes* There's no such thing as the supernatural idiot! I-I just don't want you disappearing on me again… what if something happens and I'm not there by your side dummy...

Huxian: Hey, for all you know there could be a gang called ‘Hell’ and the members are nicknamed ‘demons’. You don’t have to take me too literally.

*He laughed, though his tone was a little strained. Still, as he continued, it eased into something a little more sincere*

Huxian: Hey, its ok, Ro. I promised not to vanish on you again. I was going to ring you once I got a free moment, actually.

Rodessa: It’s not ok! I miss- uh! Jeez I’m not happy about this. I’m uneasy when your not here…. You sound drained, in both sense of the word. And I’m not there to make it better. I’m not OK with this!!! Besides, the only relief is hearing you on the phone…. I can’t touch you…. You’re so far…

*Teary eyed* You’re so far away.   

There was a long pause on the phone for a moment. When Huxian spoke once more, his voice was soft, gentle*

Huxian: I’d never die on you, you know that, right? Just trust in me. I can handle being a little tired. Believe me, I’d much rather have had you here if Miss Povell wasn’t so eager to have you with her. But you have my word, I’ll be back by your side bugging the hell out of you before you know it. Just keep your chin up, kay? Seeing your lovely face again is certainly a great motivation for me to finish off this mission as fast as possible. If it makes you feel better, though, I promise to take care. I’ll even let you chew out the other agents to watch my back properly, if you like?

Rodessa: Lovely!!! Y-you your?!!!


Rodessa: LOVER???!!!

Agent 2: Seriously he’s got that gentle look in his eyes again grose!

Huxian: ....

Rodessa: Huh?

Agent 3: I caught him setting a picture of his partner as a wallpaper, you know the picture of the girl and that cute white fox?
Agent 1: Oh yeaaaaaa~ I remember that isn't that the one with-

Rodessa: *Blush* …..

Huxian: Are you admitting to looking at my phone? Wooooooow, you guys suck at keeping that hidden. No wonder you aren’t the bosses if you let that bit of sneaking show so easily.

*The mischief glinted in his voice as he obviously turned his attention to Rodessa*

Huxian: I changed my mind, you need to be here cause these guys suck as agents.

Rodessa: *Hiding face in hands* Y-yea…. Aren't you embarrassed, ‘n I meany they sad that we were… and that you…. I…. um… you didn’t even deny-

Huxian: Who cares what they think. But hey, they’re only saying it because they’re jealous they don’t have girlfriends, never mind being close to a woman as lovely as you, Ro. I should be flattered they think we’re a thing, honestly. But hey, you’re welcome to help me kick their asses later if you like? Misplaced aggression is such a lovely way to get rid of stress, don’t you think?

Rodessa: You, you you!!! I told you many times not to compliment girls like that!!! We’ll get the wrong idea and you STILL haven't denied it!!! And no beating up your agents!!! You still need them.

*Mumble* After the mission is a different story but still!

Huxian: Hah, knew it. Let’s make that a date then. We can beat up my no good agents and have a good time like the old days. Sound fun?

Rodessa: FLUFFY!

Agents: Have you noticed. Yep. STILL hasn't denied it. Does he like her that much. No, no I think he's just trolling. Aaaahh~

Huxian: Ooooh, two birds with one stone! You guys are hilarious! *Almost audible wink* Am I trolling? Am I telling the truth? No one knoooooooows!

Rodessa: Trolling, he has to be trolling for my sanity pleas hell let that bastard be trolling.

Huxian: Am I~?

*Despite this, the obvious humour in his voice and the barely muffled laughter showed that yes, he was just having some fun this time*

Huxian: I have to get my kicks somewhere, Ro. Most of the time agents get stuffy. Someone has to keep them from becoming old fuddy-woodies before they’re even middle age.

Rodessa: ‘Old fuddy-woodies,’ fluffy you sound like an old man you know that?

Huxian: Well, I do have all this white hair. May as well use the language too, right? I might actually sound sophisticated for once. Is it working?

Rodessa: NO. when yours serious you sound cool and sophisticated, right now you just sound… like you. And I just thought you were a ‘Silver fox’ that why your hairs really light?

*AN: Silver Fox: an attractive middle-aged man having mostly gray or white hair*

Huxian: Well, I am a silver fox. Sounding like me hardly changes that since I’m always cool and sophisticated. I just operate on a level of it so high that I occasionally have to lower the amount of it to have it register to the mortal realm.

Rodessa: ... Yea~ ok fluffles. Keep telling yourself that.

Huxian: Wow, the disbelief in your voice is almost a physical entity all on its own. I could have been knocked out by it if you swung the sarcasm around a little harder.

Rodessa: *Chuckle* Dummy.

Agent 2: And there goes the fond eyes again someone take a picture!

SFX: Camera taking a photo.

Rodessa:... Fluffy? I-

Huxian: Mind holding the line? I have an agent to kill and bury. Will only take a sec!

Agents: Run!!!

*There was some scrambling and crashing sounds, along with yelps and the sound of doors slamming shut, then silence. The silence was the worrying part until Huxian chuckled and the sound of creaking springs could be heard over the line as Huxian obviously flopped down onto a bed*

Rodessa: *Sigh* …Tell me fluff ball, you didn't kill them, did you?

Huxian: Nah, the paperwork would just kill me instead if I did that. Besides, I need the minions to help me finish this mission of after all. Dead minions just aren’t that useful.

Rodessa: *Chuckle* you sound sleepy… am I bothering you?

*Sad eyes* Should I leave you to sleep?

Huxian: Nah, I can sleep when I’m dead.

*There was the sound of the bed springs and a groan sound as the man stretched, before flopping back on the bed once more*

Huxian: ‘Sides, I said I’d be sending pictures and I haven’t done it yet. Want one now? Just make sure your new mini- I mean, ‘partner’ - is less noisy than my minions. Keep that communicator away from prying hands. Apparently even leaving it to shower is not safe.

Rodessa: *Chuckle* What? You’re so weird? And oh, you're finally going to grace me with the converted photo? Come on, lets see.

Huxian: Your wish is my command

*There was a few moments before a buzz on Rodessa’s communicator indicated the arrival of the photograph, resting her phone to her shoulder as she reached for the newer device, swiping the code to unlock it. Her eyes widened as she saw the contents. The picture was of Huxian, draped over the bed with the blankets covering only enough that it could barely pass modesty, resembling the slightly provocative roman or greek statues rather than something real to life. His amber eyes, however, were glinting with a kind of impishness that came with the majority of his antics*

Rodessa: *Excited Shiver* Who… who are you trying to seduce!!! You know, there is such a thing as being too blessed you know! You look like a asian Adonis - n-no you're definitely him incarnate. Jesus!

*Barely audible voice* I think I’ll make this my wallpaper. Damn!

Huxian: *Laughing* Well, what’s the point in having it if I don’t let someone see it? Although I’ll have you know I’m no Adonis. I’m much better, thank you.

*There was an almost audible wink to that last statement*

Rodessa: There something else we all wanna see now remove the blanket… uuum humm~

Also vanity is a sin, you know that right?

Huxian: Is it vanity if it’s true? And this is coming from the girl who wants me to take a photo minus the blankets *Teasingly* You know, I can do it. Shall I see if I can blow you away, rose bud?

Rodessa: *Excited shiver, and holding herself* S-Shut it fluff ball!!! No fair. Even when your so far away it feels like your right her toying with me~

Huxian: Is that in invitation?

Rodessa: Bully, Fiend, Devil, Demon! I’m the only one reacting and your as calm as-

Huxian: How do you know I’m not? I could just be a very good actor. Besides, when one plays with a toy, one is usually ‘pulling the strings’, not reacting. But if you want to play it that way….I’m excited to hear you toy with me. Come on, I’m waiting to see what you can do, ‘Noir’.

Rodessa: Jerk…. I can't think of….

*there was a ruffle of soft fabric, and a faint sound of a camera snapping, a faint buzz was hurt on the other end.*

Rodessa: This is all I can do,  I hope that picture can keep your focus. I want to monopolize your everything, you belong to me after all, so don't tease your beloved parner like this ok, fluffy?

*There was a pause on the line as Huxian obviously busied himself looking over the picture. However, the moment stretched on for a lot longer than a required quick glance would need. A little bit longer than even a good stare, before finally the sound of a breath being released, as if Huxian had temporarily forgotten to breathe and only just recalled.*

Huxian: ….I so need to renew all my passwords. This? This is lethal to any unprepared. Gods, lady, I’ve heard of ‘femme fatale’ before, but this here could commit murder.

Rodessa: *Seductive tone and chuckle* Well, I learned from the best, handsome. You’re not the only one who can seduce thought the screen.

Huxian: You have a wonderful teacher then. *A few more moments of silence* Aaaaaaand set as wallpaper!

Rodessa: *Chuckle* Pervert.

Huxian: You know you love me.

Rodessa: Do I know that?

Huxian: Unless you had amnesia recently….?

Rodessa: Dam it fluffy you ruined it! *Chuckle*

*A light laugh came from the other end of the line*

Huxian: Did I mention lately that I miss you? Cause I do, partner.

Rodessa: *Blush* ...I miss you… to… so much that it hurts, I want to touch you again, I want you to hug me and sleep on my sofa together…. Fluffy I-

Huxian: I won’t be long now. You’ll see me soon, I promise. Just a little longer. In the meantime, you stay out of trouble. And if you can’t, kick trouble in the nuts and give it the finger as you walk over it. We’ll have a drink and dinner as we talk about our mad missions - my treat.

Rodessa: *Weak laugh* It almost sounds like you're asking me on a date.

*Huxian was about to say something when there was the sound of a knocking on the door. After a quick apology and a quick, muffled conversation as Huxian had obviously moved away from the phone, Huxian’s voice returned to the speakers once more*

Huxian: Ah, looks like no rest for the wicked. Looks like I’ve got a strategy meeting to get to before I can get in a nap. You get a good rest in the meantime, though. I expect some good tales when we meet up again, kay?

Rodessa: ….Yea…. night  night fluffy.

Huxian: Sweet dreams, rose bud.

*With that, there was a click and the low drone of a cut line. Miles away, Huxian looked down at the phone and sighed, scrubbing his hands over his face tiredly.*

Voice: My friend when you are exhausted, your affection for the girl is adorable, yet so sad. Perhaps it is my opinion, by why not pursue her? I didn’t raise you to be so vulnerable, did I?

*Despite being spoken to, Huxian didn’t bother to raise his head beyond a weak smile and a soft chuckle*

Huxian: You know why. Don’t pretend you dont. You’ve always been watching, even when I’ve not deserved the attention. Besides, my tiredness has nothing to do with Rodessa. Fighting a minor zombie apocalypse tends to make one a little tired, friend.

Voice: So you deny her? Did she not say the girl could heal your pain? Has she not eased many already? While you may make excuses, my boy, it is as you say - I’m always watching over you. It is my duty to guide you. However, I merely guide, not force. But know that the longer you wait, the more your queen will be exposed. If you lose her, it will be a miricle to get her back.

Huxian: Perhaps. Perhaps not. True, The Lady did say that, but she did not say that Rodessa needed to be my mate to do that. I do care for her, of course, but she is not that child any longer. To hold her to promises she doesn’t remember, all the while forced to lie because it’s ‘not the time’, that is cruel. Rodessa is my partner. I would rather not hurt her, be it due to lies or my ‘curse’.

*He smiled as he looked up to the speaker*

Huxian: Even so, thank you for caring enough to stick around to try to reason with me either way. I don’t deserve it, but I appreciate you being here. You’ve been the closest thing to a father I have, after all.

Voice: My boy, you were my child the moment I invited you into my home, do you recall?

*The being floated over to the young man, stroking his hair. It seemed to relieve the tension he carried somewhat.*

Voice: So let me worry for you like a father should. Tell me, are you afraid the girl will deny you? Or are you afraid you will break if you tell her?

*The young man leaned into the touch, eyes closed and exhaustion clear on his face. He would very much have liked to sleep like that, but he had too many responsibilities to face to take longer than a few moments of comfort*

Huxian: Neither.

*His eyes opened part way, darker than the usually bright playfulness he usually displayed*

Huxian: I fear that I would curse another to meet that same fate. I’m poisonous, you know.

*He smiled, though it didn’t touch his eyes*

Huxian: It’s better this way.

*The figure continued to stroke the younger man’s head, knowing exactly how to ease the last of the tension from his charge*

Voice: I highly doubt that is the case for either of you. But for now, rest. You look like death. *Scoffs* Death….*Shaking head* Fear not, child. I won’t let time move too quickly until you wake, so rest.

*Snorting softly, amused but too relaxed from the petting to make more of an effort to show it, Huxian curled up into the sheets, leadened eyes blinking slowly, before finally falling shut, too heavy to keep open longer as the figure continued to stroke his hair with gentle fingers*

Huxian: Th’nks…

*The specter pulled a flute from his robes and pressed it to his lips, humming slightly.*

Voice: Would you care for a Lullaby? I can play one if it will aid your sleep

*Too tired and relaxed to respond verbally beyond a whine at the back of his throat, he sleepilly nuzzled a nod into his pillow*

*The Spectator smiled fondly, before allowing himself to play. The song was gentle, somewhat warm and maternal in nature, it truly was the key to unlocking Morphius’ gate and finally abling the young man to float peacefully in the world of dreams.*


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