Wednesday 3 January 2018

Leave It In 2017 Pt 2

Nadia: Sup, beautiful people! So this is are other half of ‘Leave It In 2017’. If you missed our last post, here’s the link:

Tara: This one’ll make lots more sense if you read the previous one. Don’t worry! We’ll wait for you if you need a refresher.

*Now back to your regularly scheduled program!*

So Called Ranters…

Nadia: Fuck me!!!!

Granted, I'm painting with a broad brush, but! The amount of children that use window movie maker, bandicam ect, have no script and NO fucking idea what they're talking about with no direction or editing, and ramble on and on about their derivative view on character creation and/or story, want to put their ‘two cents’ in on topics they barely know about, nor have a coherent argument about the subjects they’re discussing, either.

Also, I touched of how the word ‘EDGY’ is losing its meaning due to its overuse, also add in these babies to: Ironic, eye bleed, cancer, stupid… the list goes on!

Get a thesaurus, flip through the fucking pages and expand your vocabulary!

Also, I want to throw in the fact that ‘X’ is my favorite ‘X’, they’re my friend - doesn't make them automatically is right. If people find offence to what Tom, Dick or Harry has said or done, people do have a right to complain in there own way. Take for example the Gaijin Goombah’s response to Logan Paul's Vlogs in Japan… I not going to get into it here, but the amount of ‘sheep’ that were defending his actions in disrespecting the dead and his Bull Shit excuses script looking ass of an apologize that doesn't cover shit.

*Takes a breath* I'm sorry… but that type of behaviour, regardless of who you are, infer or otherwise, is not on. Disrespecting people's culture, customs and the dead - it's not on. And to put out a half assed response isn't going to cut it. There is one thing that I agree with Gaijin on…. I hope that little shit bag is banned from the country. If this sort of thing happened in the west and was done by foreign person of colour, they would be a fucking up raw. There is no excuse for it and there is no excuse for not visiting a country without reading up on the culture and customs, especially ‘privet’ countries like Asia.

But that's all I have to say… NEXT!

Tara: I almost don’t want to add anything more to it, since Nadia’s….uh….pretty much covered it, but then again, she has been looking at youtube ‘Rants’ a lot more than me. But, hoping not to add any fuel to fires, rants are unlikely to be left in last year. After all, this list, in a way, is a rant. But what is essentially the point here is that, if you’re going to rant to a wide audience, it is always best to do it in a way that is both thought out and is respectful enough to people and their cultures while allowing for one’s opinions to be out there. The ‘rants’ which tend to be unscripted and overuse words seem more like they’re made in the heat of the moment and could accidentally (Or maybe purposefully - there is a chance people want to hurt feelings after all) insult others, which can then start off rant wars that could have been completely avoided.

Essentially, Rant to your heart’s content, just remember to be courteous in how you do it and know that there will always be a difference in opinion. Though if you’re going to do it, just remember to make an informed, researched argument. If nothing else it’ll save a lot of heartache on everyone’s ends.

Ignorance - When Is It The Right Time To Discuss It?

Nadia: Yay! Story time PT 2!

So, last November I took part in a games design program. I met an amazing group of people and learned a lot from each and every one of them. But there’s one person that I met that...well, let's just say this fool looked like the IRL version of the comic book guy from the Simpsons - was the very definition of the negative side of the ‘WEEB’ community, had a musty odor odd jizz, was overly open about porn and his love of sexualising young anime characters. If you ever heard of ‘Bokino Piku,’ and ‘SisterxSister’, this is the shit that he would openly show. It was that bad that most of us tried not to be alone with this guy. And me, being the only girl in the course, I was more than uncomfortable with the situation… For some reason, this guy liked to show me the more ‘hard core’ shit, even though I told him to STOP multiple times. And he only stopped when I was spoke to the tutors about it.

Though I could go on for hours about this creep, I’m going to try and keep focus here. There was, scratch that, two things I will talk about. So, originally, we used to take the same bus route as him and we would have wait an hour for the bus to get there. So, as to be cordial, we would occasionally make small talk. Then, out of the blue, this fool turns around and goes:

MothersBasment: You know, I don’t get why your people like to argue and fight with police. Also, you know the workplace wage gap is BS when it comes to race and gender, you know that, right?

And I’m like this backwater village, still living at home with his mama looking mother fucker did not just say, ‘Your people’, and ignorantly talk about a subject that’s damn near gonna get him smacked about in this public place, looking at me like I’m going to face down and accept this. Right, and how stupid can you be with that shit…? Are you MAD?

I responded with:

N: I think you need to educate yourself. Though Police Brutality is not AS prominent in the UK compared to the US, it is STILL a thing. People of colour, regardless of who you are or where you come from - i.e the hood or the posher areas - you’re still profiled. Even if it’s in minor ways, whether it’s followed around in stores, stopped for having too nice a car or casual throw of the ‘N’ - and yes, I’ve heard an officer track down a young brother and do that… they can even kill us and get away with that.

Open a book or do a quick google search and you’ll see it.

MothersBasment: Eh, but the media lie.

N: Its called independent sources, historical and current texts, citing your sources and using your brain. Hard as it is to believe you were born with one, use it.

Now, in regards to workplace wage in regards to gender and race-

MothersBasment: Oh, I don’t want to talk about politics.

N: Ummm, weren’t you the one who brought it up? But ok.. Oh look, our bus is here.

Nadia: *Sigh* I can’t deal with people like this. You try to tell them your side of things or counter them and their response is always ‘OMG I DON’T CARE!!!,’ ‘I don’t think we should talk about it right now’, ‘Oh, well, it ‘doesn’t’ affect you now’, ‘Oh, well, ok, can we just change topics?’

Bitch! The fact that people think this way means we should teach it more. There is a lot of things colonialism brought that was destructive and is still affecting people of colour today. The fact that people think the opposite just shows how blind at times people are and, quickly, people want to return to their save space and not hear the truth, just because they don’t feel like it effects them or isn’t related to them. When you speak up about it, it’s like all they hear is ‘Oh, the white man is evil’ and, no, that’s not what we’re saying. But what we are saying is the fact that we had to ask ‘the white man’ to be human and have basic human rights is an issue.

It feels like for every step we take, we go back ten steps, because people have this sheltered entitled mindset. We as the human race NEED to do better or we all suffer, and at the end of the day, we all need to put aside that entitled sheltered mindset and ask us ‘for whom the bell tolls.’

Tara: Unlike Nadia, I haven’t got an example of having seen this myself, at least about this subject, but there has been times where other subjects have come up that sound extremely ignorant. It might be when it’s brought up that’s the issue - for example, when you’re in a pub, there is a reason why people usually say politics and religion are not something you should bring up. Not only can it easily descend into arguments at the best of times, add alcohol to that and….well, generally it doesn’t turn out well. For me, I do believe that people do need to look at certain subjects like the one that Nadia mentioned in her story, but it should be done in a time and place that debating will not end up in arguments fueled by ingrained belief and alcohol. I’d certainly love it if ignorance could be better educated, if only so I could avoid hearing extremely uneducated, half drunken arguments in bars while working, but generally, it’s always best to pick when you’re going to bring something like that up. If you’re not wanting to hear an answer you might not agree with, then don’t bring it up with people who feel very strongly about the subject matter. Otherwise, make sure you’re ready to listen when you talk about it. It’s something that needs to be heard after all. Hey, if you ask me, it can only help us all as a species if we can find equality and understanding with each other. But that’s just my thoughts on the matter.

The Thing About Being Petty

Nadia: *Chuckle* OK, let’s lighten the mood up a little. First things first, back in high school, I was. I was so bad they called me, and I quote, ‘Princess Petty’. I wasn’t the worst one out there, but I certainly was up there… Waaaay~ up there. But that’s a story for another day. I am trying to snap out of it and my new year’s resolution is to be less so. But that is proving to be really hard…. And it’s only the start of the year.

I won’t lie, pettiness was and is the disease that’s plaguing social media right now, and because we show our ugly side on social media, the way we do it only helps in feeding the fire. There isn’t much I can say going into this. I don’t particularly have a solution to this. It’s an ongoing, ever evolving monster we need to stop somehow. All I can say is that we need to cut it out before it gets worse, and escalates into something we can’t control.
Tara: The main thing I can see where Pettiness is involved is to look at some older teachings that people seem to forget at times - mainly being courteous to others. Perhaps what is needed is to try and look at things from other points of view or at least taking a few minutes to think before spouting everything onto social media. Maybe just thinking on how it might reflect on you as a person, from others points of view as they read what was said. Oh, its not to say I can’t be petty - everyone has a side to them which is petty and that’s part of human nature - an ugly part, but its just that people are inherently selfish that way - but it’s just that sometimes just having a little care in how you word things online can make all the difference. Or at least not taking everything as a chance to ‘get back at someone’ might help as well. But hey, that’s something that is as on running and ever changing as the beast that is Pettiness, so probably best not to hold our breath for the true resolution to this. We might all pass out from lack of air first. While it might deal with the problem in one way, I’m pretty sure we’d rather avoid mass suffications. But the first way of dealing with a problem is by pointing out that its a problem in the first place, right?

White Knights, Why Are They Still a Thing?

Nadia: ‘Quoiting’ MothersBasment ‘White Knights’ and ‘Feminists’ shouldn't exist. And to a certain extent…. I agree….

*Cue the dramatic violins!*

Ok, Ok, Ok… listen before you throw stones and call me a heathen - hear me out and let me finish.

White Knights and Feminists shouldn't exist, because there message ‘should’ already be a thing. That means if something you could say or do could severely offend people, regardless if it won't affect your privileged ass, don’t do it!

Or, at the very least, don't do it in front of the people that could be offended by it. SIMPLE.

Whether you believe it or not there IS a Wage gap, though, slowly but surely, it's getting better. There IS negative connotations to certain words- whether they related to ethics groups, sexuality, physical/mental handicaps and gender; And there IS a conflict with the older and newer generations mentality.

It is a problem and, though we are progressing, close mindedness is slowing that down, maybe not to a grinding halt but we should be further along than we are.

Tara: In this case, it’s mainly when the message that it’s being told, however much it should be already out there, gets warped in a way and becomes too extreme. It’s similar to how there are ‘Helicopter Parents’ - where sure you want to make sure your kids grow up in a safe environment, but the extreme case pretty much prevents the kid from experiencing things that will help them grow. The ‘protection’ becomes extreme and gives them a bad name. What is needed is a middle ground that allows for a message to be heard without just diving to the opposite end of the spectrum and being intolerant on a different scale. That just gives the message a bad name and makes people less inclined to listen to what, at this point, should be the truth of the world.

Preachy Mother Fuckers Like Me.

Nadia: Now, I won't deny that I'm preachy, and, though I cuss, tell it like it is ‘coz ‘I’ma straight shooter pow, pow.’ I try to at least study up on topics I talk about. I try not to ramble while I educate and will listen to opposing arguments and take them into consideration. Saying that, I'm going to take my own advice here and ‘try not to waffle.’

Am I saying I'm a paragon of goodness and justice? No. Am I saying that all that I’ve written in these last two blogs should be stated as the absolute fact and should be used as the gospel? Oh hell no! But what I am saying is that we all need to treat each other better. We all need to look at the other person's point of view, stop using the victim card while being the abuser, think before we post and above all at the very least try and leave this mess in 2017.

Thank you.

Tara: All in all, I think, to avoid getting too preachy (Not that we maybe haven’t already. Whoopsy?) Let’s do our very best to me a bit more tolerant of each other and improve as a whole. It’s a new year, after all, so lets make it a damned good one!



Nadia: *Leans back in chair and sighs.* Well, that was a long one. I’m glad that's over.

Tara: Well, for now, anyway. I bet you we’ll have one for the end of this year eventually. But hey!

Nadia: *Sigh* Sad thing is that this probably won't do anything in the long run, but, hopefully, even if it reaches the few the we know, we've made a difference somehow?

Both: *Shrugs*

Tara: Eh, let’s be positive! It’s a new year, after all!

Nadia: Well anyway, we’ll be continuing with the Tell Me a Fable blogs next time. Just a warning ,we’re not going to be doing any Cons this year, but we will next. Primarily, we’ll be focusing on getting new content out i.e: Posters, keychains…. Second chapters of our comics, yada yada yada. I’ll also be starting up MY personal youtube channel - just give me some time to get it started. There, I’ll be talking about what we plan to do going forward and I’ll be teaching a little art two. But we’ll tell you more about that when the time comes. Fingers crossed for the start of February.

Tara: So, for now, thank you so much for sticking with us and we hope that you’ll stay with us for all the awesome new stuff we’ve got coming your way!

Both: Anyway, that’s all for now so…. ‘Til next time, Agents!!!


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