Sunday 18 December 2016

Attack on Ogre

--- Last time ---

Monk: Not bad, not bad, but I won't be impressed until you defeat this. If you are any good, this shouldn't be a problem. And, depending on if you can defeat this beast and land your mark, will depend on if I will teach you or not. Are you up for the challenge, little one?

Agent T: I say you’re an asshole that sucks as a teacher, and that if I die I’m haunting your ass. But I’m going to win! Bring it on!

*The monk chuckles*

Monk: Well then, let’s begin.

--- Temple Courtyard, Izumo Region, Japan ---

A faint chanting resonates throughout the room, vibrating the the air, forming a restricted presence that seemed to feed…. Something. No sooner than the monk stepped forward, a black smoke gathered around him, darting back and forth around the room and back to him, as if searching for something, finally settling for the space in front of the targets. It just lingered there, as if waiting for an order. With each passing second, it seemed to grow stronger.

Monk: Now, let’s see how you fare against this…. Don't forget, you have yet to hit your mark. The chance for you to be trained by me depends on it.

Agent T: If you have nothing nice to say, keep quiet and let me do my job. I’m going to make you eat those words…

Agent T: [Inner Thoughts] I say that, but….I’m pretty much limited to defense where magic is concerned. I didn’t get much time to develop offensive abilities - that’s why we came here. And my ‘allies’ won't be much good if this thing is stronger than them. I know he’d prefer me sticking to magic, but this is a single enemy now. As long as I’m careful not to hit my allies, I can go all out. But let’s not get in over my head. Gotta see what I’ll be dealing with when this smoke clears first….

Monk: You have quite the mouth on you, young one.

*With those words and a snap of his fingers, a large claw like hand emerges from the smoke and mist. The ground begins to tremor, and the monk's eyes begin to shine with a somewhat demonic glow.*

*Agent T grits her teeth, one hand moving to the talismans, the other hovering over the gun, a grim expression settling on her face as she prepares to move quickly to dodge or attack once the creature fully emerged*

Monk: Are you just going to stand there? I would have thought you would have at least started planning by now?

*He smiles wide and lets out a somewhat demonic laugh*

Monk: Or are you so scared to move? My little pet… he's not even fully awake and I can already hear your heart pounding away.

*The room grows cold and a scratching sound rips through the ground, a pungent smell of miasma permits the room, rotting the floor boards and the head of an ogre emerges from the the now dissipating smoke*

Monk: Now, little one, are you ready? The real show is about to begin. Hahahahha!

Agent T: *A smirk crossing her face* You obviously must have been listening to something completely different. Either that, or maybe my heart is just pounding with excitement. Old man….you talk far too much.

*With that, ignoring the monk completely, T pulls out the talismans and puts up a wall between them before darting towards the target. For now, if she could at least keep it away from him and hit the target she needed, then it might make things easier for her. She also considers perhaps enraging the creature into hitting her target for her*

Agent T [Inner Thoughts]: Let’s see what you’ll do, ogre

*The beast raises it’s head and firmly presses its hand against the wall, forming cracks. The monk smiles quietly before tilting his head.*

Monk: Oh no, no, my dear, that won't work. You're not using the right tools given to you, isn't that right, my friend?

*With those words, the talesman erecting the barrier begins to burn*

Monk: Try again!

Agent T: Who said I was aiming to stop him right now?

With that, T pulls out the gun to shoot at the ‘mark’ that she was supposed to aim for around the Ogre. Before darting back and away as the barrier she had made between the ogre and herself finally fell. Cocking the gun again, she gives a tense grin

Agent T: The aim was to take out the target as well as the Youkai, right? And as long as I didn’t hit my allies, anything goes. So, now the target is not so much of an issue….*she glances at the two youkai on her side* Let’s make this fight count and blow this horn-head away!

*With that, the youkai allies quickly dart in, while T prepares to create small barriers to block, or at least slow down, any strikes the Ogre might make against them in the meantime, careful to prepare her gun in case the youkai allies created any openings.*

Monk: …. Hmm…..

The monk pulls out another bottle from his robes, scratching his head but remaining silent, watching the scene unfold. Quietly, another presence comes from behind him.

Voice: So, what do you think?

Monk: Oh, it's you. I thought you were going to tend to the others?

Voice: Please stop avoiding the question. She is under my care, after all.

Monk: Fine. Right now, I can't say. I did promise to train if she passed my test, but…

Voice: You’re not going back on your word, are you?

Monk: Never. I may be a drunk, but I’m still a teacher. Still... I’m not sure… To be honest, I don't think my particular brand of teaching would do her any good, but my right hand… would be better… I don't think there is much I can do for her at this point. In time, I’ll personally train her when her spiritual strength get to the right level… For now, if you’ll excuse me.

Voice:... Certainly.

*Meanwhile, T and the youkai continue to chip down the Ogre’s strength. With its blows slowed by needing to break through T’s barriers, the youkai were able to get away with minimal wounds, while biting into the creature's arms or legs. Occasionally, the Ogre would flail and throw off one youkai, only for the other to bite in another place, or for T to get in a shot or two. While the blows wouldn’t take the creature down on their own, it whittled away at its strength.*

Agent T [Inner thoughts] It’s skin is difficult to get through, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have weak points. The youkai have already picked out the tendons and ligaments on the legs and arms as strike points to slow it down and weaken the blows, but if I can hit the right spot….There!

*T quickly first the gun at the creature's face as it swung around to look towards her, only for the bullet to shoot into its eye. With a raw, it jerked back, scratching at its wounded eye and bearing its neck in its pain.*

Agent T: Now!

*The youkai quickly dart forwards and lunge at the creature's throat, tearing at its jugular and sending blood splattering to the ground.*

*Shaking with exhaustion from the various blow, barrier creation and running around avoiding strikes or to get into position for better aim, as soon as the Ogre was no longer moving, T slowly sinks to her knees, gasping for breath, even though her fingers still gripped the gun, just in case.*

Agent T: Did we….do it…?


*The monk sips his drink, still quietly watching. A second man joins him with a drink of his own.*

Voice: Not bad.

Monk: Humph, using too much magic is taxing on the human body. Especially for ones not accustom to it.

Voice: So what do you suggest?

Monk: For now, I’ll just be an observer. She hasn't won my favor quite yet. Wasting that much magic in a non-controlled environment is deadly in the real world.

Voice: But what could she do? She demonstrated ski… wait, what did you want her to do?
She followed your directions and even showed intelligence above her skill level. What more did you want from her?

Monk:.... I’ll reserve my thoughts for now. It was a good start. Let her rest for now, I’ll begin my next test in a few days. My assistant and her new tutor will be back by then. I need to tailor my lessons to suit her needs.

*With a final swing of his wrists he drains the container. Wiping his mouth and leaving the room.*

Voice: Congratulations, I expected no less from one of my agents.

Agent T: Huh?

*Her breath slowing down somewhat, she whips around to see who is talking to her*

Agent T: A-Alastair. Um….so….Wait, where did that monk go? Grrr, As if he just bails. Asshole...

Alastair: …Would you like to hear the good or the bad news?

Agent T: *Huffs* Let me guess, I ‘didn’t do well enough’, so he’s ditching responsibility? Why, exactly, did we come here when I ‘obviously’ aren’t what he’s going to look for? *sighing and slumping slightly* I should have just stayed back at the other temple to get warding better, since….Whatever….just let me know what I need to know. Whichever first is fine….

*Alastair face turns stirn for the moment, his tone low*

Alastair: Enough. You do realise that, due to our time restraints, most of these lesions are far less forgiving than it would be for any other student. Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of training you like other students. Whatever he decides has got nothing to do with whether or not you ‘did well enough’, it has everything to do with the speed that you learn at and what is physically possible for you at any given time…. I think I have a vague idea of what he wanted. But it seemed that, though you may have compelled his task, you still have a ways to go before his particular brand of teaching will be effective. For now, I want you to retire with the others. I need to speak with the monk to tailor your studies. Try to refrain from using magic for the moment. If you use any more, it will become a health risk. The last thing we want you to do is get ill before we have a chance to meet you new tutor.

*With a sigh he looks up at the carnage around*

Alastair: But, I must say I am impressed. You’ve grown some since you first set off. Well done.

Agent T: If that’s supposed to cheer me up, it’s not. But thanks, I guess. But if you want me to get better, maybe if you can point out where I went wrong, so I can work on improving. There’s no point in learning this is I can’t make it useful for all of us. I want to be stronger, so I can help Pandora more than before. So, if you happen to see that monk, tell him that maybe he should point out what went wrong in someone’s performance instead of blowing them off like a jerk.

*T stands up and holsters the gun, turning back to Alastair*

Agent T: You were watching, right? So, since the drunk-monk scarpered, give me your thoughts on where I need to improve - stamina I know is an issue, but I’ve learned how to use magic….like, a week ago, so of course I need to increase that, but I meant in the rest of it. I refuse to be ‘just good enough’.

*Alastair throws a communicator in her direction*

Alastair: I’m not obliged to give you the answers. And the ‘drunk-monk’ did teach you quite a bit. I recorded the session. You may want to look back on it, analyse it. You may find out just why he left and where you need to improve. Your teacher will expand on those arias and you may want to take note of his words. I’ve known him for a long, long time. Mocking, short tempered, but brilliant. You may wish to study up on the words he uses. ‘Are you afraid?’ may just turn into ‘what are you afraid of? What are you concerned about?’. Believe me, he’s a wise man. You just need to dot your I’s and cross your T’s around him. And I’ll tell you something good, also: his graduating student are all S rank agents back home. He’s that good. I would not have sent you here otherwise. So, have a little faith.

*With that, he leaves the room, taking out his personal communicator. The door clicks shut before his call begins and the only sounds remaining are his fading steps as he walks away.*

*For a while, T is silent, looking at the communicator Alastair had given to her, before her hand clenches around it, screwing up her eyes.*

Agent T: Why does everyone think that I’m the kind of person to understand things like that. I’m not that smart…..

*Taking a few shaky breaths, she pushes back the sting of tears in her eyes*

Agent T: I….No, I gotta do this. I need to learn this. It doesn’t matter if I’m dumb or not, I’ll figure out what he has to say. I’m….I’m not going to lose. Even if it’s just so I can look that monk in the face and let him know how much of a….complete douche he really is!

*With that, T stalks away, intent on learning whatever it was that she needed to from the communicator, even if, inwardly, she still felt empty, despite the victory over the ogre, doing her best to ignore the sting in her eyes, missing having the support she once had from her friend and partner all the more.*


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