Tuesday 24 October 2017

Written Memories Pt 6

*She showered the younger god with affection, before sending them on their way, directing them to the cleansing pool where the boy was sulking. Unphased, Inari made their way over, fond eyes turning to the young half blood*

Inari: Rozyus. I’m glad you’re ok-

*It was only then that Inari realised that, not only was the boy in question bathing in a less than dressed manner, but said boy was less….boyish than he was before. He was, after all, still in an older form, making him look slightly older than Inari themself. Inari coughs into their hand quickly*

Inari: Well…..time sure flies? I hadn’t realised it took me that long to get from the court. I’m horribly slow it would seem. But hey, at least you grew up to be a hotty, right?


*The boy seemed far too deep in his thoughts to notice his surroundings, that younger Gods voice did not reach him.*

Parame [Telepathic voice]: Ah. So you DO find him pleasing to the eye? Knew it. *Chuckle*

Inari [Thinking Back]: I like pretty things, what can I say?

*Despite this, they were slightly put out that Rozyus was still sulking and they made their eyes wide and pitiful*

Inari: Mother, he’s ignoring meeeee! Is this because I didn’t help much? Does he not like me any more? Waaaaa, Rozy is being meeeeeean….*crocodile tears*

Parame [Telepathic Voice]: no, no. not at all he's just sulking because of the little talk we had earlier. Well you could try shooting one of cupid's arrows at him that might get his attention, i think i have one of those around here. Now where exactly did I put the damn thing?

Inari [Returned Thoughts]: Eh? I don’t think me stabbing him with an arrow is going to help. You don’t poke things into people if you haven’t even bought them dinner first.

Parame [Telepathic voice]: E-excuse me!!!? Um, little one, I think we need to have a little talk about how much you know about the birds and the bees.

*Inari gives a flat look in Parame’s direction, she gives a raised bow in return.*

Inari [Returned Thoughts]: Mother, I’m a fertility god. If I didn’t know that stuff I would be a pretty crappy fertility god.

Parame [Telepathic Voice]: Eh~  excuse me little one but you only XXXX. The most you need to know about it is the babies come from mothers. You’re hanging around with that water god too much, that’s for sure. What kinds of things are they teaching you outside my temple???

Inari: *Shifty look*

Inari [Returned Thoughts]: ...Nothing?

Parame [Telepathic Voice]:  Uuuum hummm. Well I guess I’m going to  be monitoring you more as well my dear. Well I’ll be off enjoy your evening with him.

*Inari waited for Parame to cut the link with them before mentally swearing. While they behaved - in public, at least - running around playing pranks and such with Susanoo was one of the only outlets that the child had for their temper. They would have to be careful, otherwise they might end up cursing someone out of annoyance and say sorry never.

That aside,  Inari carefully kneels at the side of the cleansing pool, robes faning around them slightly as they did so, eyeing the boy for a long moment, before reaching over and poking him in the arm with a finger, making sure to have their eyes wide and pitiful as a begging baby fox*

Inari: Roooooozy. Rooooooozy. Hey. Hey. Don’t you love me any more?

Rozyus: Huh? Ah!


*The boy jumped at the realisation that his friend was calling. The startle had caused him to stumble back into the waters.*

Sayo: Y-young Master, are you-?

Rozyus: I’m fine, I’m fine… Uck, now my hair’s all wet again… *Combining hands through hair

*The boy looks around to hear a gentle chuckle from the young god.*

Inari: Whoopsy? Though hey, you pull off the wet look. You’ll give the water nymphs run for their money, Rozy!

*Embarrassed, the boy's body turned a faint shade of rouge, the boy bit his lip, flustered as he stumbled over his words.*

Rozyus: S-shut up, It‘s your fault for just appearing like that!!! Dummy head ‘nari!!!!

Inari: *Cocking head to the side innocently* But I was here the whole time.

Rozyus: Huh? You were? Oh, s-sorry I didn't notice you there. My bad *Twiddling thumbs* Oh, to make it up to you, wanna have a bubble bath with me? it's fun when the pools this big!

*Cute smile*

Rozyus: Oh, but you’ll have to rinse off f-

*The boy stopped, thinking about what gender his companion could be at present.*

Rozyus: I...eh… that is, if you’re a boy at the moment. I don't want to make you feel awkward or anything. You don't have to if you don't want to…I um…. *Blush*

*Pausing to blink, Inari thought about it for a moment, absently toying with a strand of hair*

Inari: I’m not feeling much of an anything at the moment. I tend to stay in the middle more often than not, so it shouldn’t be too bad. I’ll be sure to let you know if that changes, though.

*They give a bright smile, before standing up*

Inari: And sure, I think I’m due a cleansing anyway. I’m not sure if it works the same for you or not, but I know with all that anger I was holding in earlier, I definitely need to purify a little. So I don’t mind joining you, so long as you’re sure you don’t mind? You’re still a bit red.

Rozyus: N-no I’m not! *Pout* n sure Sayo, will help you rinse off.  

Inari: Thank you. *Turning to Sayo* If you’re happy to, of course. But don’t feel pressured if you would rather not, since Rozyus is your master, not me.

*Sayo, slowly emerged from the corner of the room, taking one deliberate step at a time ast he walked over to the young god. And though he plastered a smile on his face there was no joy in his eyes.*

Sayo: But of course, if the adjacent pool will do. I’ll shall cleanse your filth here.

Rozyus: *Glare* SAYO! Mind your tongue! Your phasing can be considered rude.

Sayo: My apologies.

Inari: Uh…..You know, I did say that if you would rather not, you didn’t have to. I’m quite capable.

Attendant 1: Our apologies. The language of the gods is not this one’s first tongue, so he often comes off as standoffish. Don't mind him. Instead, if it pleases you, master Inari, I would be most honored to cleanse you, if it is your wish.  

Inari: I’m not angry. I’d much rather that people be straight with me. My fellow gods, if you excuse the language, can be a little too high and mighty at times and enjoy far too many political mind games. While I can’t say I mind them sometimes, I would much rather I be informed if someone is unhappy. After all, how can things change if all anyone does is remain yes men?

*With a smile and a gentle wave off, Inari made their way to the purifying waters.*

Attendant 2: Indeed, so wise for one of your age. *Giggle* But please, this is our job as servants of the temple. Allow us to serve you, master.

Inari: Well, I wouldn’t want to put you out of a job. Thank you.

*With that and the assistance of the attendants, the god stripped of their robes and entered the purifying waters where they went through the semi-ritualistic bathing in order to cleanse their spirit of the soul’s impurities. If nothing else, it always relaxed Inari, draining them of the dark emotions that would sometimes build up inside them even as it soothed the body’s aches.

*The boy's eyes widened, as the child began their cleansing rituals, there eyes shifted slightly as they wondered if there actions were justified by curiosity or science perhaps. The waters glow seemed to distort the child's figure some, but still the younger god was like a work of art, the child cleared their thought with an exaggerated cough. Which seemed to wake the boy out of the bewitched state they were in. all but one of the attendents laughed at the sight. The child smirked slightly at the display before addressing the boy.*

Inari: I almost feel I should be putting on a show. Should I pose for you?

Rozyus: Ep! Uh… I-I wasn't looking!!!!

*The boy swam to the furthest side of the pool, the red hue that painted his skin deepen a few shades. The attendants had long finished their work, and the child as shifting to the second pool where the boy was.*

Inari: Well, they do say that being looked at like a work of art is a form of flattery in some cultures. I’m sure I should be the one flustered.

Rozyus: I said I wasn't looking! I wasn't!!! *Hides face with hands and peeks through fingers.*

Inari: If you’re just curious about purification, that’s fine. You don’t have to be embarrassed about it. Though it’s kind of cute *Laughs gently.*

Rozyus: Jeez! Seriously, you n-need your eyes tested! Where's the old crow? S-she could help you with that *quiet tone.*

Inari: Unless you have your eyes taken out or destroyed, gods usually have 20/20 vision, Rozyus….

Rozyus: Then you’ve never seen something cute, to be calling someone like me c-cute…. *Dives under the water*

Inari: *Calls into the water* I think I’d die of cute if I saw something more cute than you, Rozy!

*A storm of bubbles carried the boy's screams as they burst the surface of the water. The child laughed at the display. The sheer embarrassment caused the spell keeping the boy’s older state to dissipate, leaving him frantically swimming to the surface*

Attendent 1: *laugh* you children seeme to be getting along swimmingly, *giggle* excuse the pun. But don't you think it's time for to dry off?

*The attendant was carrying two large fluffy towels for the pair. Along with another holding robes.*

Inari: I suppose…better not to cause a fainting spell in the water, right?

*With a slightly cheeky grin, Inari climbed out and into the soft towels, looking very much like a mischievous fox in the white fluff.*

Rozyus: Waaa!!! Meany, stop picking on meeee! Dummy head ‘Nari!!!

Inari: But you’re adorable when you blush!

Rozyus: ….. GET YOUR EYES TESTED!!!!!

SFX: Chuckle.

*Once the children were properly dried and massaged, they made their way to the Lady of Fate's inner chamber, where she presented them new clothes and aiding them dress.*

Parame: So how are these new outfits finding you?

Inari: They’re good, thank you. They have both elegance and flexibility while still fitting in with my pantheon too. You always did have a good eye, Mother.

*Parame laughs into her sleeve slightly, though her eyes had a somewhat knowing glint*

Parame: But of course. I’ve known you for some time after all. Still, considering your duty, I thought the clothes would be quite fitting.

Inari: Duty…..Oh, yes, of course! I was meaning to tell Rozyus!

*Quickly, they turned to the boy*

Inari: I’m not sure if you were told or not, but I was asked to be your sparring partner from now on. I might not seem it, but I have some experience with a blade. It’s one of the reasons I’m a patron of warriors, despite not being a war god myself. I think that you’d make for a good spar partner, if you’re willing?

Rozyus: ….Mooooooooooooootherrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! *growl*

Parame: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees?

Rozyus: I swear to gowd, I swear to gowd! I sawir to gowd! I will rip this place in two!!!! The hell is this#!!! First the empro training and now you’ve dragged this sweet gentle creature into this…. What's wrong with you!!!!!

Parame:....*Gives Inari a long look* What have you been teaching my son about yourself?

Inari: What? *Innocent blinks* I never said anything about my abilities. *Looks back to Rozyus* I promise you, it’s fine. You’ll be surprised what I can do. As they say, looks aren't everything.

Parame: And you have a record of traumatising people

Inari:.....Do I? …...Huh……

*Looks to the side with a thoughtful finger to their lips, but doesn’t deny the accusation*

Rozyus: There's no way this gift from the heavens could do wrong don’t lump him with you mother!!!

Parame:....Who do you think raised them?

Rozyus: LIES!!! You won't taing my agle with your lies!!!! *Puffs cheeks.*

Inari: Actually…..she kind of did raise me. Minus some input from my pantheon, of course.

Rozyus: … Who in their right mind would leave a child in HER care?!!! You poor dear… *Hugs* To be honest, between you and me, I think she's low key evil. Tell me, how did you survive, poor, poor gentle creature. *Pets Inari’s head*

Parame:....Bitch, I can hear you!

Rozyus: *Sparkling eyes* So you recognise me as a girl!

*Too busy laughing to say anything else, Inari just clung to Rozyus to stop themself from rolling on the floor in hysterics.*

Inari: *Snerk* I’m Lord of Foxes. We’re sneaky! *Giggle* B-besides, I’m a big kid, I can deal with big bad gods.

Rozyus: Truly, a symbol of purity, a role model for justice, my saint. *snuggle*

Parame: Don’t think the god that offers saint-hoods would agree….

Rozyus: Mama, I don't remember asking you. *Flat look*

Parame: Perhaps not, but the truth is the truth. Also, try not to encourage them too much. Little Inari there can sometimes have a few ideas outside their station at times.

Inari: *Shifty eyes before pouting, muttering* He started it….

Parame: Ummmm hummmm. You know it took us nearly a century to clean up the lower realm after that…. You know you little incident wiped out the dinosaurs right. Right?

Rozyus: Huh? You did that.

*Side long look*

Rozyus: That's so BADASS! *Looking with admiration*

Inari: *Blushing* I was still pretty new….And It wasn’t just me, I just…..kinda caused a famine…..or two…..or ten….

Attendant 1: You though a rock that wiped out the dinosaurs! That's was she's on about!

Inari: *Nervous laugh* Oh thaaaaaat. Um….Whoops?

Attendant 2: People thought you were the incarnation of one of the Horseman of the apocalypse, Famine.

Inari: Like I said, he started it! He was taking all the credit and no one was stopping him! I just…..went a bit overboard. He only had to say sorry….

Rozyus: Gosh, you’re so cool!

Venus:.....You know, I’m worried you're going to end up with a villain… yeah… Hey, mother, we’re gonna have to fix that.

Parame: Frightening, I know. But don't worry, their threads are already set, so you can tinker with it as you see fit, dear. Just let me be there when you do. *Wink*

Venus: *Grin* Sure. Anyway, I just wanted to give you my files. They’re on your desk. Later!

*The young woman disappeared with a snap of her fingers. Realising that, while Inari had been trying to excuse themselves, Parame had a visitor, they blinked and turned their attention to Parame once again*

Inari: Was that Miss Venus?

Parame: Indeed it was, dear. She's finally finished her formal training with me. Though she's not completely free to do as she wishes yet. Love is such a… difficult and complex thing to master. Thus,she chose to focus primarily on Eros - rather suits her, if you ask me. You may cross paths with her, so best make her one of your allies sooner rather than later, Hun.

Inari: Well, I suppose it makes sense. Other than a few from my own pantheon and Rozyus, I’ve not really socialised as much as I probably should. I suppose it’s my own fault for being such a jack of all trades god, huh?

Parame: Best to make more allies than fores, love. You’ll need them soon, shouldn't be hard with your growing fan club. No?

Inari: Fans are alright, I suppose, but I’d like more friends. I’m happy that Rozyus is my friend now, after all! But I’ll do my best. I want to become a well known god, after all!

Rozyus: *Sleepy* ‘Nari, you shouldn't flirt with fangirls… they tend to get…. a little.. crazy...Zzzzzzz

Parame: It's amazing how pups can sleep anywhere, and at the most awkward positions.

Inari: Awwww…..Can I keep him, Mother?

Parame: … He’s not a dog… you know that right?.... But if you promise to look after him for the rest of you life… I’ll let you have him.  

Inari: I know he’s not, but….He’s so cute! *Scratching their cheek sheepishly* A-anyway, its getting late. It’s been a long day. I suppose we should all get some rest, huh? Especially if we’re all going to be sparring soon. I kinda can’t wait, honestly.

Voice: Indeed. Do you mind taking him to you room for the evening little one?

*Inari blinks, whipping around to the newcomer in surprise with wide eyes*

Inari: Ah! S-sorry, I didn’t know you were there, sir. Are you sure?

Parame: Ah darling you’ve returned for the lower realm. You should have told me, I would have properly welcomed you. Would have kept our little fluff ball up too.

Voice: *Chuckle* Where's the fun in that, my dear? Besides, I heard a rumour that surprised me. But I will discuss that with him in the morning. Not to mention I’m taking the role of these children’s combat coach. I’ll be able to monitor them for you for the time being.

*Pets both the children's heads*

Now off with you both. We’ll more tomorrow.

*Gently scooping up Rozyus, Inari inclined their head to the newcomer*

Inari: Thank you. I look forwards to your teachings. Goodnight Sir, Mother.

*With that, Inari makes their way from the temple room and back towards the living quarters. If what they had just learned was true, they would need all the rest they could get*

Parame: So, may I ask what brought you home early, my love? It is unusual for you and your kin to migrate at this time. Unless...

Voice: *Sigh* He has begun causing more of a disturbance in the balance. I'm not sure that the peace that we’ve maintained between the mundane and the mystic will hold for the next few centuries… for their own sake, we may have to separate the two temporarily…

Parame: *Sigh* How vexing.

Voice: Let us hope that it does not come to that.

Parame: Indeed. Once divided, it will take centuries to weave them together again.


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