Sunday 15 October 2017

Written Memories Pt 4

Inari: ….Thank you. I know that you did that of your own volition, but even so, because of you, the children are safe for now and the truth is known. I’m sorry I didn’t intervene sooner…

Robed God: *Hum* There's nothing you needed to thank me for. Rather, it is I who needs to thank you. You comforted those children in the forest and tried to calm that boy down… well, as calm as one can be in these circumstances. I do empathise with him, though. A small child having that heavy burden of leadership. Trying to keep their kin safe loved and warm only to have idiots like them trying to kill the ones you slaved your entire life to protect. I truly understand, but given his position, there was another way. But I’ll teach him that another time… Oh and don't worry about that curse, it is only to banish the wicked and those you truly despise. But the pay off… well, it leaves one completely drained.

For the moment, mind taking him somewhere he can rest? I’ll come by later with lunch for the two of you, but until then, both of you stay out of sight. Ok?

Inari: If you think that those children will be ok getting to Mother, then….I’ll take my leave.

*Giving the robed god a final bow, Inari quickly hurried after Rozyus. They had a feeling they would eventually be the leading expert in a new game of ‘Finding Rozy’.

The Boy had wandered off down a dark hall, braking down halfway to a familiar door. Sobbing uncontrollably. The tapping of footsteps coming to met him.*

Disembodied Voice: Well done, little one. How did it feel to finally release all that hatred? good, no? Shall we do it again? Hmmm, next time, let's actually end them. Together.

*The voice is strangely soft, silky, as if whispered into the boy’s ear rather than come from nowhere. A strange presence could be felt, almost as if a person was standing close enough to feel body heat, yet try as one might, there was not a soul in sight that could be speaking to the crying child*

Disembodied Voice: What is wrong, my child? You know that with just a small show of strength, they will not stop. Your beloved people will continue to be targeted, will remain the scapegoats of corrupt gods who lord over the people with delusions of greatness. They long lost their true purposes, yet they scorn over the very same people that they help to create. They are so set in their ways, they will never listen for long. What is stopping you from putting down mad dogs before they turn your loved ones rabbid? Is it not a mercy to cut away an infection before it spreads? It is your duty to protect them. It’s within your power. Together, we could save all your brethren and finally bring the peace they deserve.

Rozyus: Bu-but to take l-life like that… I have not right. I just want peace… *Shock*

*Memories of moments prior came flooding back, the ecstasy of cutting down the malicious gods, the joy of seeing them cower in fear at the might of a creature of two. The joy it brought... was terrifying.*

Rozyus: No! No. I won't make it a habit. I made an example of it and nothing more, I only-

Disembodied Voice: I wouldn’t dream of suggesting making it a habit. However, sometimes, in order to defeat a greater injustice, a lesser evil must sometimes be performed for the greater good. Those who scorn your people have long neglected their duties, forcing others to take up many just to cover what those so-called deities have forgotten. And your entire people are scolded for merely existing, despite the fact that you only exit because of love. Your people are struck and harmed, even killed for no sin other than living. Cutting away a cancer is not a habit, little one. It is merely a means to bring about the peace you want, the peace you all deserve.

Rozyus: ...The peace we…. Deserve?

*There was a the distinct sound of running down the hall as someone called out the boy's name.*

Inari’s Voice: Rozyus? Rozyus, where are you? Are you ok? I swear if any more gods have come around then I will have my foxes chase them through the halls for a few weeks….Please, Rozyus, answer me! It’s me, Inari!

*The boys eyes seemed hollow, head turning to the direction of the voice. It seemed so familiar, ringing through the darkness of both the halls and his mind. Like a faint bell, slowly bringing him back from whatever power this ‘Other’ voice had him under.*

Rozyus: Wh-who call me… who’s there?  *Quiet voice*

Disembodied Voice: What’s this….? Strange….This person managed to call through my hold? How very very curious….

*Unknowing of just what they had interrupted, the form of Inari, having heard the almost quiet response as they turned the corner, looked utterly relieved to have found the boy they had been searching for.*

Inari: Thank goodness! I was looking everywhere for you. I was worried that you might have been cornered by someone el…..

*They trailed off, blinking at the paleness of the boy’s face, the exhaustion that seemed to cloak his entire being. Worry falling over their face, the god quickly made their way to Rozyus’ side, laying a hand on his forehead in search for fever*

Inari: If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought you had spent a few hours in Yomi. You’re pale as a ghost. Let’s sit down for a little while before you keel over.

Rozyus: Big…. brother…’Nari?

*The boy, looked back and forth for a brief moment eyes finally coming into focus, the older child worried look seemed to amplify slightly, as the boy stumbled, before passing out. Yelping, Inari moved quickly, grabbing the boy before he could smack his head against the stone floor. Thankfully, the boy was light enough that the slender god didn’t crash down with him. Too light, in Inari’s opinion.

Not about to leave the boy in the middle of the corridor, Inari carefully picked the boy up in their arms, bridal style, and carried him the rest of the way to his room. Once they had tucked the boy into his bed, Inari sent a fox as a messenger to the robed god to let him know where they were, especially if he was going to be good as his word to bring food to them. That done, Inari sat down on one of the nearby stools to await the other’s awakening, making themselves tea to drink in the meantime.

An hour or so had passed since the boy had fainted. It seemed he had recovered some what, and was now beginning to sture.*

Rozyus: *Half asleep* Big…. brother…’Nari… Where are you…? Please don't go…. Don't leave me… *Puppy whimper*

*Placing the third finished mug to one side, Inari made their way over to Rozyus’ side, lightly brushing aside the boy’s bangs with gentle fingers*

Inari: I’m here, Rozyus. I’m not going anywhere.

*The boys eyes slowly fluttered awake, gently holding the older child’s hand to his face, large tear drops forming.*
Rozyus: I… My behaviour before… was uncalled for… I shouldn't have acted the way I did. And you, great deity, have no obligation to stand by me… I'm ‘twisted, beastial…to the core’ and I would not be surprised if you feared me after what you witnessed. One such as I can never be forgiven for my actions. But… a little just a little longer... May I have a little bit of your time…

Inari: My friend, you give me whiplash with how your confidence changes. However, while your actions before were less controlled than they could have been, you still listened to reason and spared them when asked, despite the wrongs those gods performed. While I don’t condone what was done, you did your duty to protect those under your care. I have seen greater evils done by so called ‘greater’ beings. I do not fear you, Rozyus. You just need a little guidance. We all get a little lost every once in awhile. It would be wrong of me to abandon a friend who is lost when it is within my power to help them be found once more.

Rozyus: ….. *hum*

*The boy closed his eyes for the moment before clapping twice. A tray of treats appeared by the bed stand, the boy feebly got to his feet and placed the tray on the bed.*

Rozyus:  if you wish you can come up here, and eat them with me. There my siblings favorites. I like them as well maybe you mi-

Inari: Ooh!

*Eagerly, Inari was soon at Rozyus’ side, eyes glittering eagerly*

Inari: No sushi….but these look good! I don’t think I recognise any of these. Tell me, tell me?

*If Inari was one of the foxes they commanded, their tail would be wagging eagerly*

Rozyus: You...your really are cute when your excited *Chuckle* I can practically see your tail wagging! Ha hahahah!

*The boy pet the older child while feeding them one of the cookies. Inari blushed slightly at the notion.*

Inari: Ah, w-well, I’m….not usually called that. Most think I’m more of a sarcastic menace with fingers in too many pies, so to speak - ooh, this is nice!

*Blinking with curiosity at the teat that Rozyus had fed to them, they quickly settled at Rozyus’ side in order to enjoy it with more concentration. The boy licked the crumbs from, the older child’s cheek, then from his own fingers, before eating the same type of cookie.*

Rozyus: I'm glad you like it. I made this kind myself. It almost has a caramel taste to it. It's good with tea or on its own. Since the chef was going to throw out the over stock, I thought I'd make something for my siblings with it. *Chuckle* When I first made them, they looked odd - miss sharpened and such. But they smelled and tasted pretty good. Around the third time, I managed to get it right. And on their birthdays, I make a big batch for them. They go pretty quick, though, hahaha. Oh, try this one next, while I change. The smell of blood is making me nauseous.

Inari: I’ll be sure not to eat all of them, I promise. Have a nice wash.

*The boy had changed into a new set of cloths hair still slightly damp from his quick bath the finer silk he chose to wear clung to his small frame. Slightly before tapering slits at the sides covered the small jewels, of the shorts. The boy walked back a corner of the room slipping on his sandals before returning to where the older child sat patiently.*

Rozyus: *Joking tone* Well what do you think?

*As promised, they had not eaten everything on the plate, though they had eaten a few and had been half laying on the bed, eyes staring at the plate as if only not eating by force of will, but at the same time not wanting to take their eyes off the plate either*

Inari:....Why have I never had these before? I feel deprived.

Rozyus: … *Raised brow* I’m almost jealous of the treats…  and here I got all dressed up, too… all for nothing, I guess.

Inari: Oh, whoops? I thought you meant about the food you wished me to try.

Rozyus: Mm hmmm… *Cocks head, arms folded.*

Inari: Well, you did tell me to try that one before you left. Anyway…

*Inari sat up to look at the outfit that the boy was now wearing with a curious eye*

Inari: It suits you. I’m more used to the clothing of my pantheon, of course, but you look quite becoming in silk.

Rozyus: It’s my formal wear, I have to waire it when I meet mother or go to formal events… though there's no point due to the cloke.*sigh* tell you the truth I would have much prefered a dress to these shorts. A cute one with frills and lace. *pout*

Inari: *head tilted* Well, I understand the urge. I am seen by many genders after all. I have a few feminine outfits myself that I prefer when I feel more woman than anything. Perhaps I might lend you some, someday? I think you may look nice in formal kimono.

*The boys eyes sparkled, while clinging onto the older child*
Rozyus: Truly you mean it, I want to play dress up! I want to play dress up with you!!!

*his tale waged as the smile on his face widened*

*Grinning, Inari nodded*

Inari: Of course! I have a good idea of what might suit you. Hm...Black, white and gold….yes, I think I have a few things that would suit you to the ground. And if nothing else, if I don’t have it, I’m quite sure I sould convince Amaterasu to lend a few things. She is quite weak to ‘puppy dog eyes’.

Rozyus: *Raised brow and smile* is that supposed to be a joke. *points to his ears*

Inari: Oh, no, but good point, you should come with me and I’m pretty sure she’d lend us the sun for the day if we both did it on her!

Rozyus: *Chuckle* You're silly.  What would we do with the sun?

Inari: Well, what do you normally do with the sun? Just imagine the amount of things that we could shed light on?

*The pair laughed as they planned their imaginary day with the sun, so much so they barely noticed the presence of another party in the room until it spoke.*

Hooded Figure: It seems the two of you are enjoying yourselves. I’ve brought your next meals.

Rozyus: *Stiffen* ….Uncle… I… uh…

Inari: Ah, sir! Forgive me, I was not aware of your arrival. *Quickly bowing to the hooded figure*

Hooded figure: Oh come now, formalities are not necessarily. Just call me Uncle: Besides, it’s only the three of us at present.

*Placing the tray of food on a table, the hooded figure sits on the adjacent chair and removed his cloak*

Hooded figure: Join me.

*Nonplussed by the sudden informality, Inari exchanged a quick look with Rozyus before slipping off the bed to join the man at the table*

Inari: Ah, thank you then….Uncle?

*The term of address was very unsure, testing out how it sounded in relation to the hooded figure*

Hooded Figure: *chuckle* You’ll get used to it. Now, Rozyus, before you eat, gather all your cloaks and present them to me.

*Though confused, the boy did as the god asked and presented the tattered fabric to the god.*

Hooded Figure: Listen here, little one,  your punishment will come in two folds. First, these hoods that hid you will be no more.

*The god flicked his wrist and the pile of fabric seemed to dissipate.*

Hooded Figure: And the second… as soon as you have become of age, you will work for me in the underworld. You of all people should know how precious life is. But you actions today conveyed something entirely different. Though your actions to some degree were understandable… others will not see it the same. So this is my punishment. Do you understand?

*The boy nodded his head before sitting opposite to the god.*

Rozyus: You’re letting me go with a slap on the wrist... uncle.

Hooded Figure: *Hum* Am I? Maybe you don't quite understand the full weight of your punishment. But you will, very soon.

*For a moment, Inari was about to say something, knowing exactly what difficulties might lie ahead of the boy, even if it was at the opposite end of the spectrum to their own work. However, after glancing at the hooded figure, they understood what the older god wished from this. As such, they closed their mouth, swallowed back the fact that they could not offer advice for the true ‘punishment’ that was to come. Instead, they decided to focus on the part that Rozyus would understand, since he already knew what the results could be*

Inari: Honestly, it could be worse than you think from just simple words. By no longer having the cloaks, you’re not able to hide your heritage. While there are some like me who won't mind….well, you know how your people are sometimes treated. There won't be that safety net of being able to hide in plain sight.

*The boy’s eyes widened for the moment, contemplating the young god’s words, to be truly exposed. He would be constantly ridiculed, and knocking on death's door. In a short time he would be working for the very being he was trying to avoid. A fate too cruel, the boy thought, clenching his fists.*

Rozyus: That… that is fine. *Shaky tone* I shall not fight it. I’m ready.

Inari: Just remember that you won’t be alone, alright? You are my friend. I will be there if you need me.

Rozyus: Thank you... ‘Nari.

*The older god, who had been observing the situation, began to gather his things and leave. Letting the two have peace while they ate their meal.*

Hooded Figure: Well then, I’ll leave you two be for the time. Once you’re done, go find your mother.  She’ll be waiting.

Children: Yes sir.

*With that, the pair was left in the boy’s room.*

Rozyus: *Sigh* This is a cross I must bear with pride. My sin shall be worn ‘til death and thereafter. But I don't regret it, the sin that I have taken, I would commit a thousand times again if that meant protecting the ones I care for. Diplomacy will be my shield but if I am forced to use violence to make ‘Dogs heel’, then I will not be afraid to bare arms. Let that be known. The level of hatred is the same as my level of love to the race that despise me and other like me. My hands will always reach out to them. In both love and war. I do pay that one day they will see us a equals, but I know that is a time away. But still I pray.

Inari: If that is your desire and driving force, then remember that pride. Do not fall into the same mindset of ‘someone such as I’. If you wish to be seen as an equil, then you must act as if you believe that to be the truth. Otherwise, no one will ever believe that you and they can stand on the same level. That must be your first step.

Rozyus: Old habits are hard to shake… but I’ll…I'll do my best. If not for my sake, then for theirs.

Inari: The first step is always the hardest. But that you are willing to take that step is the first victory. *Bright smile* I’m rooting for you, Rozyus!


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