Sunday 2 July 2017

Enter Player Three pt 1

--- Unknown Location ---

*Lit only by a faint beam that shone from above like a spotlight, the board of the ‘Game’ between fate and free will seemed less like a game and more like a battlefield. The pieces, while unmoving, resembled corpses, or monuments to the dead, silent observers, if only for the moment. With their players absent, the Voices silent, there was a strange solemness to them, as if each piece was using the reprieve to mourn their losses. Beyond the board, it almost appeared as if the room was endless. Somehow, this made that board somehow seem strangely insignificant and yet, in a way, all the more sorrowful for it. In the eyes of the moderator, the ‘Game’ had a strange fragility to it. One wrong move by any of the players, or even just one thrown tantrum could send the pieces scattering into the darkness. Just like that, the lives of millions would consumed by nothingness, bringing everything to an end.

And yet….

The moderator closes their eyes, cupping hands to their mouth as a strange shape began to take form, molded by magic and by will. A ball of light twisted, moved until finally what rested in his palms was something both powerful, yet fragile - a single butterfly of pure energy. While it’s glow was barely a speck compared to that which lit the ‘Game’, there was something otherworldly too it, a strange life to it that even the board seemed to lack.

Gently, the moderator blew on it, instilling in it knowledge, a message for a certain potential player, who might one day become the proxy for the last side of the ‘Game’. As the message took root, the butterfly's wings began to flutter. Lifting his hands, the moderator let the butterfly go free. For a moment it fluttered around the room, as if searching for something, before finally picking its true destination. The darkness seemed to ripple as the butterfly fluttered towards it, as if a stone was dropped into a pond and, finally, the construct vanished, leaving the Moderator once more alone in the room, with only the ‘Game’ as his witness.

With a sigh, the moderator turned back to the ‘Game’ once more, eyes resting on a specific piece, fingers moving over it, not quite touching the smooth surface.*

Voice 1: Now, Rozyus, what will you choose? Will you become the third player in this ‘Game’ that marks the destiny for this world? Or will you choose to be swept along by the whim of the players, doomed to dance to the puppet strings of another? No matter what choice you make, this ‘Game’ will forever be affected by your decision this day.

--- Inari’s tent, Main Camp ---

*Despite having already accomplished quite a bit that morning, the plans that Rozyus and Inari had created had to be placed on hold in order to face the various responsibilities of the day. Giving Rozyus access to a specific locked chest where all the plans for Pandora could be kept safe, Inari had left in order to begin the preparations for the safehaven construction that would serve as protection to the village against the enemy’s retaliations. Meanwhile, Rozyus had, at least for his own peace of mind, marked the chest with his own personal seal, draping it in a tattered cloth and storing it in a safe compartment behind several book cases.

Sensing a presence nearing, he hurried back to the entrance of the tent, awaiting the ‘visitor’.

A gentle gust fluttered through his hair as a strange, ambient light from overhead dissipated into nothingness. A construct in the form of a butterfly fluttered just over head, dancing through the pavilion, moving back and forth as is checking that recipient was truly alone, before settling onto one of the floral pieces that decorated the tent. The Boy walked up to the winged beast, the trickles of light that seemed pacified by the darkness paled in comparison the glow of its form. Still and beautiful, the light seemed to beckon The Boy closer.*

Rozyus: Oh? Why so formal? How many centuries has it been since you summoned me like this? It must be important, no? I won’t lie, it make me nervous when you do things like this…. I don’t know whether to deny you and run, or come closer to the light… but the fact that you would go through formalities like this… it makes me curious.

*The Boy walks closer, heart hammering in his chest, drowning out the echoing steps that seemed to boom through the confinements of the tent. He kneels down to be closer to the winned beast, as it fluttered again. Before resting upon The Boy's bow like a crown.*

Rozyus: … I understand… I shall be their momentarily.

*Message delivered, the butterfly once more flutters away from The Boy’s forehead, but doesn’t vanish entirely, instead seeming to lead the way in which Rozyus needed to go. Following behind it, it almost seemed as though the few they passed in the camp could not see the construct at all. In fact, it was almost as if the two of them were charmed, if only for the moment, to be unseen, or at least unnoticed, by any other living being.

Eventually, Rozyus soon realised where he was being lead - to the tent that both Parame and Thanatos had been using during their time in the base. As he watched, the butterfly flew into the mouth of the tent and seemed to disappear inside, melting into the shadows like a stone sinking into the depths of murky water. With a moment of hesitation - there was an odd feeling that seemed to emanate from the tent - Rozyus squared his shoulders and followed the construct inside.

It was as if suddenly wading through something ice cold with the same consistency as treacle, almost as if the very air was trying to stop them from going any further until finally losing its hold on him. Without warning, the feeling finally stopped once more, the resistance faltering, yet at the same time, the light from the entrance of the tent seemed to vanish entirely. Looking back sharply, Rozyus could no longer see a door at all, but rather an almost endless seeming darkness, as if staring into the very heart of the void. Yet there did seem to be a light coming from somewhere….

His eyes were drawn to a single spot of light in the darkness, illuminating a strange stable with three throne like chairs surrounding it. Upon closer inspection, the table seemed less like furniture, and more like when the generals would strategies army movements with figurines….no, not even quite like that, but more like a strange, tabletop ‘Game’, paused part way into someone’s turn.*

Voice 1: Welcome, Rozyus, Child of Fate.

*The voice that spoke seemed to emanate from everywhere, yet nowhere at the same time. Even so, the power behind it was unmistakable, ringing with authority.*

Rozyus: I-I won't bother asking where this place is... *Quiet whisper* quite frankly, I do not wish to know.

*The Boy took a breath and held his head high as he approached closer*

Rozyus: But, I will ask what your intentions are, summoning me to a place like this.  

Voice 1: In order to know the latter, you must know the former. This room is the stage for one of the longest running ‘Games’ in history, a ‘Game’ which decides the ultimate destiny of the world. Always, a moderator presides over the two players as they battle, to decide what will govern the path that the realms will take. I am sure I don’t have to tell you which two currently act as the deciding forces in this contest, correct?

*A strange feeling of intent washes over the area, encouraging Rozyus to approach*

Voice 1: Come closer, see for yourself the truth of this current war. By knowing the truth of this, only then will the reason that you were summoned here may become clear.

*The Boy steps closer once more, both the chair and the board now in full view, the hyper realistic wooden carvings seemed to dance across the board, their movement methodical and deliberate. The Boy place a hand on the chair pulling it from the table as he attempts to sit, only to be stopped by the voice once more.*

Voice 1: Should you sit, any choice you have will be taken from you. Only those who are players in this ‘Game’ may sit at the table. Should you sit, you will be one of the few in charge of leading this world to its destiny. With this in mind, do you know why you were summoned?

Rozyus: You tell me? Well… from your little explanation, I feel I can make a guess. But… why me? Surely there are other, more suitable deities far more worthy than I.

Voice 1: Perhaps so, however, you yourself have noticed that people seem to put their faith into one side or another. Those who feel that both sides are right, nor neither, tend to remain at the sidelines, focusing only on surviving until a decision is made. However, you have taken it upon yourself to bring these people together. Even if the God Inari has joined you in the construction of this side, the initial idea, the initial plans, they all came from you. In taking this action, the rules of the ‘Game’ no longer fit. The pieces on the board are no longer belong only to the two players, but to a third, to a wild card that has become the source of a new side, creating a new aspect to the ‘Game’. In order to not only continue with the ‘Game’ to its end, but also to protect the world from crumbling entirely due to an unprecedented event, inviting you, the source of this anomaly, to become a third player was an inevitable choice.

Rozyus: So, you're saying you're giving me a choice, but, in retrospect, I have none? An illusion of choice if ever I saw one. If this ‘Game’ of yours is to truly end, I’m assuming there is no choice but to put a stop to boths sides?

Voice 1: No. There is indeed a choice. It is the consequences of the choices which are what makes both difficult. If you were to deny being a player, you will still be able to become a third side. However, in doing so, you and your followers become free ‘Game’ to either side, to ally with, or to become the enemy of. While your side can work towards its goal, there would be no respite from either side, both seeing you as a potential enemy, or a group that might betray them. You and your followers become the picture of the Prisoner’s dilemma, where no side can truly trust that what you aim to do will be beneficial to their side. However, it is still possible to sabotage both sides, unbound from the rules of the ‘Game’, even if it means that the world itself may be destroyed through those actions. This does not, however, mean that that will be the ultimate ending to the ‘Game’, only that there is a possibility that it could occur, without the rules preventing that possible outcome.

On the other hand, by choosing to comply and becoming a player in this ‘Game’, you will be bound to all the rules set, just as the other players. You lose some freedom in how you might act or interact with those who follow you. However, at the same time, you have a little more sway with both sides, as you might  be able to negotiate with them. Because you would be bound by the rules as they are, your word might be better trusted.

In both cases, your participation or otherwise doesn’t necessarily mean that the ‘Game’ will come to an end. Rather, it is only through your own actions and that of your group that might change the path of destiny. To truly end this ‘Game’, however….The ‘Game’ has never Ended. But you are a wildcard, an unforeseen anomaly. It is entirely possible that, whatever choice you make, should you, and your followers, win the ‘Game’, that the ‘Game’ itself would crumble, unable to process an anomaly being the victor, freeing life from being bound to the ‘Game’ for the first time.

Knowing this, what will you do?

Rozyus: No pressure, right. As I said, there’s not much choice here….

Rozyus [Inner Thought]:  Not much choice at all... If I play their ‘Game’, there’s no guarantee that the ‘Game’ will end… Will I have the wisdom to guide these souls on my own? No, no, I can’t doubt this choice now. But can I bear the guilt of those who will undoubtedly perish? I am but a piece on this board now, with the option of being a player.

*The Boy looks onward at a piece that seemed to rock back and forth, it’s carving looking somewhat familiar, a bit too familiar*

Rozyus [Inner Thought]: Rozyus [Inner Thoughts]: I’m guessing that’s supposed to be me, huh? Both for and against, both sides, both loving and hating their causes. I made a promise to stop him, but his core message I will take on. Even if I have destroy their bridges to create new ones, I will reforge their paths. I must become a flame that forges a new world. I may be playing against the strings of fate and free will, but I will carve the path for a new option. I will become destiny.

Rozyus: Fine. I’ll play your little ‘Game’. But don't blame me if I end up breaking it. A wise God once told me that a child born of opposing forces has the power to shake the heavens. I wonder how much trouble I could make for both sides?  Saying that the ‘Game’ is still set for two. Do you mind remodeling it?

Voice 1: So you have made your choice, so I, as the Moderator of the ‘Game’, shall oblige.

*There is a strange feeling, as if an unseen wind began to blow, whipping around the room, spiraling around the table, faster and faster until a blinding light flashed through the darkness, an explosion of energy that caused all who looked upon it to become blinded.

As the light began to fade once more, and sight began to return to eyes, the ‘Game’ had been transformed. Not only had the table been adjusted in shape to accommodate the new side, but a new Throne had joined the other three, marking the seat for, not only the moderator and the original players, but for Rozyus as well. A butterfly danced over new seat. As Rozyus drew closer, the constructs began to change shape, forming into a scroll that hovered there, waiting to be read.*

Voice 1: The throne that is yours to decide the path of the world awaits, and the rules, your contract as a player, to be observed. Be sure to read through them thoroughly. Should you agree to participate, select your pieces, and sign your final agreement. Once you have done so, there will be no turning back.


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