Wednesday 3 May 2017

Birmingham Comic Con!

Tara: Hey everyone! It’s Tara and Nadia from TanraStudios here! So, as you guys might remember, we were over in Birmingham this past weekend for the Birmingham Comic Con, where we were running one of the stalls. Today, we’re going to be giving a bit of an overview of how that went for us. :)

Nadia: Yup! Soooo, basically, I wanna start off by saying I wanna give props to Birmingham con - at the last con we were at, we totally bombed. But this one we actually made a decent profit. It was nice to see so many new faces and people we to talk to… WE MADE A FRIEND! Her artist name is ‘Ryuuza’, so look her up, ‘n’ tell her Nadia sent ya! Her artwork is pretty cool - I even bought some stuff off her lol. To my surprise, we did well despite the little traffic at the actual con. We even did two commissions.

I offered semi-realistic selfies: I thought it would be nice practicing my new art style and, since there was nowhere to plug in my laptop, (my only complaint, even though we did ask for a damn plug and they said they would sort on out, even though they didn’t. I’m not salty about that or anything +.+ ) I wanted to try my hand at traditional art. To be honest, I didn’t think anyone would go for it, but I got one little so i was happy. I think i might make it a regular thing, for our next con. Hey T what do you think? :P

Tara: I think that people would like it. I mean that girl was really happy with it. Plus you won’t have to worry so much about plugs and the like if you have sketched commissions available. That sketch you did was really adorable. :)

Anyway, the second of our commissions was done by me, though mine was less selfie and more asked to draw a character, specifically a character called ‘Power Girl’. Now, maybe it’s just that I haven’t looked into many western comics in a while, and the ones I have looked into are generally Batman or Spiderman, the cartoons of Spiderman, Xmen, Justice League, Young Justice and Teen Titans, but I honestly had never heard of Power Girl before. Still, I made sure to look her up before I started. I was asked to just draw my interpretation of her, in my style, so I gave it a go :)

The person who asked for the commission has a kind of gallery of people who he commissioned to draw the character, with credit to the artists, of course.

Nadia: Tara, seriously… just saying, he literally had a creepy obsession with that character… *Shivers* ‘n’ the way he was going on about it was like he was toooo into that character. Like the type of person who would have a custom made body pillow out of it.

Tara: Well, I’m not going to complain about it, so long as he didn’t ask for the character to be doing anything explicit. Some people just really like characters from their favorite fandoms. *Shrugs*

Nadia: Emphasis on ‘like’! Hey, do you think he jak-

Tara: *Hands over ears* Lalalalala! I’m not listening! I’m not talking about how people get their rocks off, can we move on?!

Nadia: Pft! What’s the matter, Tara? Can’t handle the hot n heavy stuff? Hahahahah!
But ok. So there were these jouie balls, things!

Tara: Ah yes! So, basically, we had some time towards the end of the con where we had a nosy at other stalls. The one that Nadia is referring to was called ‘Manhua Cha’, which did a type of Fruit flavored Bubble Tea - because we must always have the Bubble Tea! - only instead of tapioca balls, the Tea had these Juice balls that would pop in your mouth with this really nice fruit flavor. They even sold the balls themselves separately, so you could eat them straight away, too! They were pretty nice people. It’s almost a shame we couldn’t go back a few more times, huh?

Nadia: I know right? ‘Coz, like, I’m addicted to the mango flavored ones. But next time! It was bad that we couldn’t stay for the after party, but wez bez buzy peoplez! *Inches closer to the camera* Hey, tune in next time and we tell you why we had to leave :P

Tara: Oh, speaking of stalls, there was a stall across from us which was just the biggest temptation ever! Like, they sold baked goods. Like cupcakes. With fudge in them!

Nadia: *Eyes wet ‘n’ glistening* The cupcakes! I should have bought MORE!!!!!!! The fudge, the moistness of the cake, the icing!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!! Why was I such a fool?! *Has mental breakdown in the corner*

Tara: *Pats Nadia’s head* There there. To be honest, I think everyone had the same idea. They were the first stall to go, mainly because they sold out of everything. Welp, they deserved it, the food was awesome, so props to them!

Weirdly there were actually several stalls that sold food stuffs. I saw at least two that did baked stuff, one was selling fudge and a few sold other snack foods too. And that was just on the first floor (there were two floors all together, for the record. The Manhua Cha one was one of those upstairs along with loads of other stalls, body painting, props and the restaurant area - oddly, for all we looked at snacky stuff, we never actually went into the restaurant. lol)

Nadia: You know, speaking of body painting…. I think I found my new hated cosplay. -.-’
Ladies, there are other cosplay than Fucking Harley Mother Fucking Quinn! Like, serious, if I had a pound for every one I’ve seen this year, then I would not be as much of a broke bitch as I am now. Like, seriously, and the other cosplay that were there were fucking lazy as hell! If your gonna half ass it, then don’t do it, plain and simple!

The only - only! - exception I have was Catwoman! ‘N’ damn! That cosplay was good! The only thing I have to say about it was the corset this poor girl was wearing looked like it was killing her. As someone who wears corsets, I know when they’re too tight. I think by the fourth time she walked passed, she was clinging onto her friend. Poor thing.

Tara: She looked like her body was pretty trained for a corset, but from what I can tell, those things are probably not to be worn for a full day. It was a good cosplay, though, at a good quality. It’s not to say her’s was the only good cosplay, though, I did see some pretty damn good ones for the guys. There was some decent Judge Dreds, and there was someone in Warhammer armor too that looked like it must have taken ages to make, too. Oh, and, while small children probably shouldn’t be there, simply due to the fact cons can get pretty noise and crowded for the poor tykes, there was this baby dressed up like the one from Baby Boss. Even more funny was he had those Baby Boss expressions, too. If that film was live action, I would have certainly picked that baby to play the character!

Nadia: Oh, I second you on that one.

Tara: About the babies rather than the Baby Boss cosplay, you mean? Well, we did hear a harmony of baby cries at one point. I kinda felt sorry for them, though I didn’t quite pinpoint where the cries were coming from except one time they crossed by us. At least it wasn’t an MCM con, or it might have been worse for them.

Nadia: Seriously, how much does it cost to get a babysitter for a few hours? But, anyway, I think that will be enough bitching for one day. Don’t you think we should probably wrap this up soon?

Tara: Indeedy! So, we’ll be talking about our adventures in Birmingham in it’s own post, since we did a lot and went to plenty of places outside of the con, and we wanted to give the con its own attention. With that in mind….

Both: Until next time, Agents!

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