Tuesday 19 September 2017

From Today, You're an Agent Pt 1

*Far from the base, a jet marked with the Pandora logo began to settle on the private runway, the roar of the engine finally beginning to slow to a dull hum as the jet came to a full stop. It took a few moments, but a portable stairway was brought up to the side of the jet to allow the occupants to the ground once again. With stairs in place, the doors opened, and two people began to make their way down, one stern faced, the other gripped by exasperated annoyance*

Little Flower: UUUUGH! Understood! I get it! Will you leave me alone, Violet!

Madam Povell: It is because it is you that one must repeat oneself!  Are you Sure you understand exactly what it is I am asking of you?

Little Flower: I got it. Can I at least get a drink by MYSELF without you hovering over me!!!!

*Despite the grumbling of the young woman, the two made their way into the airport to collect their cases to travel to Izumo. With the long travel and the Little Flower’s complaints, however, Violet gives into her demand for a drink, feeling that, with her in a better moon, she might be more receptive to the instructions that she would be given. With bags in hand, the two head into a small store called ‘Boba Boba Life’, which not only sold various snacks, but also bubble tea, which at least helped perk Little Flower up slightly. As they drank their respective beverages, Little Flower was curiously glancing outside, interest glistening in her eyes*

Little Flower: So, this is Japan...Sweet! Wanna go to Shibuya?

Madam Povell: Forget it. We have an appointment to keep.

Little Flower: Who you saddlin’ me with again?

Madam Povell: Mizuki Masuyo, a Demon Slayer.

*Little Flower curls her lip and clicks her tongue in irritation*

Little Flower: Demons an’ Ghouls are products of folklore

*Taking a breath not to lose her temper, Madam Povell merely smiles cooly*

Madam Povell: You may want to rethink that notion, my dear

Little flower:  Whatever, kid…. By the way, who was that guy on the plane? He didn't look like he was coming with us, and he left us right after check in.

Madam Povell: Ah, an old acquaintance. A business partner, if you will. Nothing to worry about. One day you may be officially introduced. It depends on your performance in the coming months.

Little Flower: You make it sound like I'm destined to fail with that tone. *Mutter* I can't believe that I’m being assigned a naggy kid to ‘babysit me’. I’m the leader of the XXXXX gang and I’m being reduced to this… This is, so far, beyond exasperating. I can't even get mad… Well, at least my boys aren't here. Heavens knows what they would say.

*Takes a sip of her drink*

Little Flower: Oi, Violet! Look after the bags for me. I’m stepping out to make a phone call. Call me when we’re leaving. Bye!

*With those parting words the Little flower hastily escapes the watchful eyes her guardian. Madam Povell clicks her tongue, closing her eyes in irritation. Still, she knew better than to follow. Even so, she had ways of keeping an eye on her unruly subordinate, should she stray. She, however, had a distinct feeling she knew who Little Flower was going to be calling*

*Little ways off from the the cafe, the Little Flower had found a seemingly quiet place to rest for the moment pulling out her phone and dialing a number, it took a few tries but the line finally connected. She grew a little impatient as the caller didn't pick up straight away. The phone dialed again and finally the caller picked up.*

Voice: Welly welly well well, I guess this means you’ve landed, huh?

Little Flower: HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO PICK UP YOUR DAMN PHONE!!!! Who are you with that’s taking up your time. *slight growl*

Voice: Hey, why do you automatically think I’m with anyone? Unless you count a target. Or two. Or five. Or a dozen….few dozen. It takes me at least a couple minutes so I don’t get blood all over the communicator. You know how much I hate having to pick out dried blood.

Little Flower: HUMP! I ‘automatically think you’re with someone’ because 99.9% of the time, every time I turn my back, you’re ALWAYS surrounded by girls and 80% of the time you’re flirting with them…. And yet to hav~ A-Anyway, I still didn't get any pictures. You promised me pics. A-and I’m still waiting on them. *Quiet voice* that's why I called. Not to check up on you or anything…..

Voice:....Wow…..your maths is…..really really off. But that’s besides the point. I honestly was on a job. Ugh….it stinks of blood….Anyway, Picture wise, it’s mainly because I’ve been on this job pretty constantly. Large busts take time, especially if you want to get all the rats before they can scurry away. But I have them ready to send off as soon as I’ve cleared up. Still, glad that you got to your destination safely. What do you think of Japan for your first…..few minutes?

Little Flower: Seriously Huxian. If you need help with your syndicate and stuff, I CAN help you… Why won't you rely on me more…? We’re partners, dummy, or is it that I'm just useless to you? *Quiet voice*

Huxian:....No….no way. There’s no way you’d be useless to me, Ro. I…..uh….We just had bad timing in mission briefings. You know I’d have taken you with me if you weren’t already contracted to Japan, you know I would have. And promise, I’ll tell you all about it once you’re done over there. Though if you need any advice or just want to rant about anything, give me a call. I might not answer right away, but I’ll help as soon as I’m not slicing someone open. I’m expecting some good stories from your end, too!

Ro’: You know all that. Seems like you been avoiding me a little… You went MIA on me for three straight years, remember?! But fine, what...whatever. I don't care anymore…. *Teary Voice* Do whatever you want. I gotta go….

Huxian: *Frustrated* That isn’t it, Ro! I told you, I’ve had a string of assignments and I’m not someone who goes back on my word. This mission I’m on now is done soon. I’ll find you and I promise you can hit me over the head and I’ll tell you everything. I’ve….been wanting to tell you for a while, but phone calls…..won’t do it justice. Especially since you may want to have a target to hit. I’ve…..probably not been as cautious as I could have been. I’m pretty useless without you at my back, you know?

Ro’: *Sniff sniff* …. Really?  

Huxian: Really.


Huxian: Aye aye, boss! Gotta keep this pretty boy face just for you, right?

Ro’: Huh… huh! N-no, that's not what I was thinking or anything weird like that! D-dont make it awkward dummy! Ah eeeey… *Faint blush*

Huxian: Ah, but when you say such words of inspiration, how can I not give it my all for you, my dear flower? I assure you, I’d move the earth at your demand if you asked for it.

Ro’: *Blushes harder* A-and there's goes your silver tongue. I wonder how many you’ve seduced with those words of yours? Geez, just come home safe to me, dummy!

Huxian: Those people? Hah, why would I waste words on people like them? You’re my partner, not any of those gaggles of geese.

*Feeling slightly shy at his words, the Little Flower holds herself while sinking into a chair, feeling somewhat better. A small smile appears on her face.*

Ro’: *Chuckle* Hmmm, now I’m hungry for waterfowl. What are you going to do about that, fluffy?

Huxian: Hm….If you can wait til we meet up, I know a few places to die for if you want waterfowl. Until then, I could send you a few recommendations. You’re heading to Izumo, right?

Ro’: … Yeah… I don't need another partner. I only need you! I don't want to go, not in the slightest! No matter what, I won't accept her!!! ‘N’ its not like any of this mystic crap is real anyway. So why bother?

Huxian: Hey, don’t think of it as a replacement. We’re partners til death, you know that. Think of it more as….a placeholder. I’d rather have someone watch your back where I can’t, even if it’s just for a little while. And who knows, maybe the two of you can give little miss violet a earache or two for the pleasure. As for the supernatural….well, whether it’s real or not, a target’s a target, right? I’m pretty sure that you’d still win with your crack shot skills even if it was an undead. Hey, you could think of it as practice for if we decide to play Zombie Hunters in the arcade. But either way, even if this person’s not partner material, we’ve worked with other people acting as our sidekicks before. If this person helps bring you back to me safe and sound as well, I’ll be happy with just that.

Ro’: Hmph! If I play nice, I want a reward. You're taking me out shopping and we’re sleeping in the same bed together. you can do that, right? It's not much I’m asking for, right?

Huxian: Your wish is my command, mistress.

Ro’: Good boy. Also, a thought just came into my head: how about a photoshoot of a certain fluffy in a traditional garment, splattered in blood and wielding a sword. I bet the fan girls would pay a decent price for that, no? At the very least I would. *Teasing tone*

Huxian: *Makes a cat ‘Meow’ sound* You want me to get down and dirty all for you, do you? I’m game. Did you want me to do a strip tease just for you afterwards, too? After all, blood just gets eeeeeeeverywhere.

Ro’: You know, I could have done without the last part, but yeah… I don't mind. After all, once were reunited, as penalty, you’re not allowed to wear a shirt for a few hours *Grin*

Huxian: Ooooh, you live dangerously. How many people do you think we could make faint, do you think?

Ro’: With your fan base… I’m thinking half or so of the population, my love, at the very least hahaha.

Huxian: Mass murder through extreme nosebleeds. Certainly a new one for us, huh?

Ro’: *Giggle* At the very least it’ll be fun. Oh! Eeeeeehhhh.

*A beeping sound comes from the girl’s phone. With a message from her guardian*

Madam Povell: If you are quite finished with your phone call, our transportation arrived. Get here, if you please.

Ro’: GOD, I fucking hate this kid! She’s so damn naggy!!!! I can't even have a proper phone call with out her interfering!!! Huie, save me!!! *Puppy whimpering noise*

Huxian: I would if I could, darling, but I’m afraid that it’s beyond my power to do so. In the wise words of a character that is likely my soul animal, time to shut up and walk, dear. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll give you many gifts when we meet up. See you there?

Ro’: *Dejected* See you there…. *Sigh* I’ll text you when we arrive at base. You better answer… ‘K?

Huxian: Always.

Ro’: Love ya. Bye!

*Looking down at her phone once more, she ends the call, face slightly flushed as the realisation of she what she had just said.*

Ro’ [Inner Thought]: Shit! Stupid! Why did you say that? No, wait, wait, he’ll just think of it as platonic love... yeah… Yeah! That's all, ha...hahaha...ha...ha… I’m an idiot. *Sigh*

*With those skittish thoughts in mind, Ro hurries back to Madam Povell, hoping that she wouldn’t die of embarrassment before then, or would at least look her normal self. Last thing she needed was to be a blushing idiot in front of that brat.

Refusing to tell the girl anything about the call, the two of them climb into the taxi and speed off, away from the airport and on their way to Izumo. The journey in and of itself was fairly unremarkable until they got to the village where, high above, the temple where Ro’s ‘would be partner’ was apparently located overlooked the general hustle and bustle of the towns folk. That, however, was when all the ‘normal’ things came to an end. After all, it’s hard to stay unaffected when one sees a giant skeleton monster attacking, especially not when seeing a group fighting it. One person catches her eye - a girl, a little younger than Ro herself, slaying such a monster in a way that Ro would never, could never, have seen before. It was all too strange. Was she dreaming?

Ro wasn’t given the chance to pinch herself to find out, instead dragged away by Madam Povell while the monks swarmed around the disintegrating creature to clear up the mess.

Stunned to silence, it is only once they had reached the hotel and were drinking tea, with no explanation forthcoming, that Ro not only snapped from her shock, but also snapped her patience. Madam Povell was far, far too calm about all this!*

Ro’: *Tsk* Oi, tell me what's goin on. NOW.

Madam Povell: It seems you are finally ready to hear me out. Very well. I shall tell you. Pandora….the organization formed over two centuries ago by the Povell family. Our purpose is to be the balance between man and the mystic. Recently, there’s been a number of….disturbances...which require our services.

Ro’: Like I said-

Madam Povell: Then please explain what it is you saw back there. My dear, there is more to this world than you have yet seen. And that is the objective of the organisation’s existence.


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