Thursday 13 April 2017

Seeds of Despair pt 4

*Repaying the Child's smile with one of his own, Lord Thanatos bows his head slightly, the lantern-staff changes form slightly at his touch, corresponding to the cloak the boy often wore. Task done, the god returns the Lantern-staff to its place in the corner, to await the boy’s awakening once again and, as silently as he came, Lord Thanatos leaves the grounds, with little to no evidence of his visit remaining, but for his gifts and a new found spark in the partner of his chosen.*

*A few hours roll around, and the Child climbs back into bed, snuggling back into the Boy’s warmth, deep in thought for the moment. They close their eyes, considering the events that had transpired, ad what he had learned from the death god*

Child [Inner Thoughts]: To think that ‘He’ could do something like this. Though….*Sighing* actually, it shouldn’t be as surprising as it is. What’s more surprising is ‘He’ hasn’t tried something like this before. Considering what ‘He’ once would have been a simple process. What held ‘Him’ back from doing this before now? Has ‘He’ become desperate? Has ‘He’ abandoned all pretense of what ‘He’ once was, and so, despite any prior vows ‘He’ once had, has begun to plant suggestions? Mother might know, since she knew ‘Him’ before all this, so might be aware if ‘He’ has broken from his role. I know it’s….not a subject she likes to think about, but….

*The Child sighs, turning their attention to the Boy, instead, gently running their fingers through his hair*

Child [Inner Thoughts]: No….uncomfortable as it might make her, she knows well enough that this is war. Unless it’s relevant to fate, she has no reason to hold back on vital information...I’ll….ask her. But….not right now. After everything, my first priority should be to make sure that my love is well, and that Lord Thanatos’ actions have done their job. Not that I doubt him, but where ‘He’ is concerned, and where my love is concerned, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

*The Boy begins to stir slightly, still clinging onto the edge of his dream, but slowly a sent, his favorite scent brings him back to reality.*

Boy: *Small whisper sound* Don’t… don’t wanna wake up yet…

Child: *Chuckling slightly, rest their hand on his head* Then sleep a little longer. We have time, love.

Boy: Don't wanna go to bed either…. Up now… smells nice…. Warm... Umm…

Child: *Trying not to laugh louder, in case it disturbed the boy* Then what do you want, love?

Boy: ...Don’t know? You? Yeah want [The Child’s nickname], is that ok? *Sleepy puppy eyes*

Child: *Pulling the boy into a tighter embrace* That’s fine. I’m yours to have whenever you like.

Child [Inner Thoughts]: Let’s see how he reacts in three…

Boy: Yay! Wait….. WHAT!!!! You perceive god of fertility!!!!!

Child: *Laughing* I assure you, I meant it in the purest of ways. Which one of us is the perverted one, the one who speaks in innocence or the one who interprets it in another way?

Boy: *Grabbing the Child robes* Bull Shit!  You and i both know what you meant! Perv, don't weasel your way out of it!! Dummy!

Child: *Still laughing and not even attempting to protect themself* I assure you *Pfft* my….my integrity…. *giggle* and honour would *pft* N-never have me say such….such wicked t-*giggle* things!

Boy: Hmph!! *Steals covers* Liar! As punishment, I'm taking the covers!!!

*With a twinge of pink on his cheeks the boy cocoons himself in the covers, in a somewhat nostalgic fashion. The Child just chuckles, but shifts on the bed, so that they are half lying on top of the Boy, resting their head in their hands, smiling smugly with half lidded eyes*

Child: Love you, [Boy’s Name]

Boy: HUMP! You're not getting out of it so easily, dummy head!

Child: Still love you, [Boy’s Name]

Boy:*pout*... Ignoring you! Dummy head

Child: ~Looooooove you, [Boy’s Name]

Boy: AGGGGH!!!! I get it, I get it! Geeeeeeez! Stupid [Child's nickname].... It’s freezing!!!

Child: Ah, I was wondering why your reactions were….*smirking* a little on the chilly side.
*The Boy grabs both of their pillows and throws them at the child’s face, knocking him back slightly*

Boy: No! Just god NO!

Child: Which god are you saying no to again? *Grinning now*

Boy eye twitching he grabs a pillow and begins to 'whap' the Child repeatedly, till feather erupt from its stuffing, the Child keels over in hysterics in a laughing fit.*

Child: If you wanted to warm up through exercise, you could have told me. Though….you know, if you wanted to be warmer, you could have put clothes on instead.  

Boy: Huh? EH!!!! Eeep! PERVERT!!! DON'T LOOK!!!!

*the boy scrambles to his feet, trying to grab one of the robes from a nearby chair, then feels a fain ace at his hips, freezing for the moment before turning around slowly to see his lovers deep grin*

Child: *Wiggles eyebrows with a chuckle*

Boy: You know, right now, you’re the definition of the worst!!!!!

Child: Ah, I shall bear my sins solemnly. *Trying not to smirk*

Boy: You and I both know you don't mean that in the slightest! By the way... *Slowly draping a robe around himself, he cocks his head to the side* did Master come by? It seems…. Hm... my weapons changed, I think? No...he did, he did come by! *Finally feeling the weight on his right ear* Ah… he must have sensed the same disturbance from earlier… then decided to check up on his goodfornothing shadow, huh?

*The child quickly flicks the boy on the forehead*

Child: Don’t say it like that. He had heard about events, but he wanted to help you. And I believe that he also came for another reason. We spoke for a little while. *He indicated the lantern staff* He said you’d know what he did?

Boy: *Rubbing his forehead, he walks over the the weapon* Well, the design’s different, but apart form that, I don’t see anything that could be it.

*The boy attempts to pick up the tool, but realises its new additional weight. It forces the boy to reposition both himself and the weapon. The lantern opens and sweet perfume emits from the casing*

Boy:... Well, I wasn't expecting the weight… feels like I’m carrying another man! But this scent… it’s his…my other favorite smell, the type to calm crying children and sooth the soul.

I assume he’s raised the bar. I can’t handle his real weapon yet, so it’s a downgraded version. His one...well, let’s just say not even Thor can lift it. And both the light and aroma it gives off… its breath taking.

Child: ...I almost wish that I could perceive the things you can….but the soul has never truly been my domain. Beyond the moment life begins, I am unable to see the things you can. It must be a beautiful thing to perceive. *They smile slightly* I know that the little I see makes me believe that the world you can see so often must be wonderful.

Boy: Not all the time. There are the exceptions, but… Oh, when the stars aline, I can actually show you. There are some conditions that must be met, but it is possible.

*Flopping into the Child’s arms*

Boy: The souls I gather are pure. Their glow is breathtaking, especially in the river, and outside my chamber in the underworld. The souls flow freely there, like a mighty waterfall, some dance like fireflies, too, but then others just simply fade into nothingness. Beautiful and tragic. Just like life, I guess.

*A sad smile appears across the boy lips, as he thinks back to a long buried memory.*

Child: Indeed. Life is a little like that. But it is in its fleetingness that it becomes so beautiful.

*They both look at each other and smile, before hearing the cockerel cry, bringing them to their senses. The day had just begun as they, fully dressed, crossed the camp, the early morning breeze flutters throughout the barracks, slowly bringing with it new life. The pair approach the dining tent and are greeted to a band of semi drunk soldiers.*

Boy: Morning gentlemen… Ah... Don't you think it's too early to drink? Or have you been drinking all night?

Drunken Soldier 1: Morning *hic*  ma’ lady…. Plez bear us no mind…

Drunken Soldier 2: Yeah, we’re mourning… mourning over loss

Boy: I’m sorry. What, or whom, rather, did you lose?

Drunken soldier 3: *Staggers up the the Child* Master…. Master! How could you? *Tearing up* How could you defile our sweet fairy?!

Drunken Soldier 4: Yeah, master… We never had a chance... that’s why you always had her in your tent, huh? *Tears flow* Damn it! We never got a chance to make a move!

Drunken Soldier 1: I wanted to keep our fairy pure, just like the angel she was - no… SHE is our saint! ‘n’ master you tainted ‘er… WHY!!!!!!!! I wish I never patrolled by your tent…. Waaaaaaa!!!!

Boy: *Blush*

*The Child is unable to do anything but stare, baffled, for a long moment, before finally crosses their arms in their sleeve, cocking a brow, before offering a closed eyed smile, that, despite seeming quite pleasant, made the area seem very threatening all of a sudden*

Child: Hm….so, I have to wonder….That tent is pretty well fortified. So then, how, precisely, were you even able to hear through the wards, I wonder? Were you, perhaps, hoping for a sight? Or, perhaps, were wanting to ‘try your chances’? Or, were you even exercising training as a voyeur instead of a scout? Hm, I do wonder….

*All four soldiers remain silent before one brave bastard speaks up*

Drunken Soldier 1: I would never!!!!!!! I just wanted to see if our fairy needed anything to make her more... comfortable...

Child: *Seeming to smile even more ‘pleasantly’* Oh? Comfortable in what way? You would enter a lady’s chamber, knowing she was, likely, either going to prepare to or was sleeping? To check she was….’comfortable’. When you are a male. When she could be in any stage of undress. Is that right, friend?

Drunken Soldier 1: N-no! My intentions were pure! I swear! I would never do anything to dishonour our angel, unlike a certain master, laying his paws all over her. *Turns the the ‘girl(?)’ resting his hand on ‘her’ shoulder* I-if it ever gets hard, come to papa, ok?! I’ll protect you.  

Child: *To the Boy* And this, my dear, is what we call the pervert voice. See? This is why you can never judge appearances. After all, while his intentions might be pure, I can’t say much for his eyes...or his hands...His ears definitely weren’t.

Drunken soldier 1: Don’t twist my intent, Master!!!!!

Child: Oh, so you weren’t patrolling around a magically warded tent, and going through the ward to hear anything that you could tell to others then? You weren’t approaching said tent with the intent to meet a ‘lady’ who could be sleeping? And you weren’t just claiming ‘she’ could *Ahem* ‘Come to papa’?

Drunken Soldier 1: I… ah…. Don’t say it that way, Master…. Now you’re just bein’ mean! *Tears up again!!*

Drunken Soldiers: You’re digging your own grave, man, just give it up!!!

Boy: Uh….. Master, please be nice….

Child: Oh, very well….It’s probably for the best, anyway, considering what many of the other goddesses might say knowing there are perverts around. Oh, but, one last thing *Expression turns ‘Pleasant’ again* Spread this around and they’ll never find your body, are we clear, ‘friends’?

Boy: Damn it, Master! I said be nice! Be nice!

Child: But I am being nice. I was just coaching them on a good life lesson. After all, we wouldn’t want to cause riots, would we? I believe I’m being quite….nice.

Boy: Life lesson… huh? *Sigh* You know, there are ways…. You know what, never mind… that particular ‘smile’ is never good. *Cocks head back* I’m going to get us breakfast, so seriously. PLAY NICE.

Child: Sure, sure. I’ll behave...

*With that the boy sets off to the canteen*

Child:...Badly *Smirking*

*The Child chuckles, before turning to the soldiers, his expression serious*

Child: Joking aside, breath no word of this. Not to any other friends, not to family, not to acquaintances. We are not going to let anything interfere in our professional interactions, so no one needs to know what we may do otherwise. If I hear anyone make a peep about even a hint of this, I will come and find you. And you should hope that Mother will be feeling merciful that day. Are. We. Clear?

Drunken Soldiers: Sir!

*With that, the frightened party bolts, leaving the pair alone. The Boy returns with both their meals, a delicious array fit for royals*

Boy: Strange, they seemed to be giving the Masters a slightly better and larger meal than last time. They even gave me the same set. Granted, it's slightly smaller, but... It looks fantastic. Did you hire a new cook, or…. Hey, where did everybody go?

Child: I’m afraid that they remembered they had some duties to attend to, so needed to start sobering up. No rest for the wicked, as the saying goes. As for cooks…..I’ll admit I’m not sure. It’s not something that’s in my jurisdiction, beyond occasionally providing ingredients. It’s possible?

Boy: Hm.. Strange. *Holding out a forkful of scrambled eggs to the child lips* But this does look and smell delicious, so let's at least enjoy our alone time while we have it.

Child: *Takes a bite from the fork, humming in appreciation* It tastes delicious, too. Well then, shall we? *They indicate a place to sit*

*The boy happily sits next to the Child, both enjoying their meal together. After an eventful few hours, a new face emerges in the camp with a goal and a mission in mind. They hastily make there way into the dining hall in search of the pair*

Visitor: Ah, My lords, I have a decree from the Mother I wish to inforce with your help.

Boy: Not even a hello. Seems that woman hasn't taught you manners, huh? Typical - the timing is impeccable as ever.

Child: Unfortunately war doesn’t grant time for pleasantries. Very well, what is the decree?

Visitor: Well-


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