Wednesday 15 February 2017

Yes, Sensei!!!

Last time:

*The sound of a cup being filled is all that's heard around the temple grounds. The air is especially crisp and quiet as the moon hangs overhead.

Voice: You’ve been drinking from dusk till dawn and you still haven't had enough? Old man, I really don't want to see your liver at this point. It's probably just a lump of coal by now.

Monk: Humph! I get enough of that yip yap from my vassals, I don't need it from you, dear child.

Voice: Hahaha! Well, papa, I am your child, after all. It's only natural that I worry silly. But, anyway, about you letter….

--- Temple, Izumo region, Japan ---

A night has past since the test had been completed. Now, walking through the temple towards the training courtyard, the Monk leads the one he has chosen to become the teacher of Agent T to their new student’s location. Agent T, herself, has been reported to have been lingering in the courtyard since early morning.

Woman: So, Papa. Is this the student you wished for me to mold? *she looks down at her communicator*

Monk: Yes. She's quite the feisty one, so watch out.

Woman: Hahaha! I think I can handle it, Papa. So, how long do I have before I send her off? I only booked a few months off.

Monk: That’s more than enough time. We’re only going to be teaching her the basics, enough for her to survive. So one would presume: warding magic, spells to bind and command spells. That should suffice.

Woman: Indeed. Oh, Papa, do you think you could get me that bracelet? The one you used to train me with?

Monk: The one to restrict magic….? Yes, I understand she’s a little wasteful on the magic side. Using to much of it can be deadly to a novice. Unfortunately, we don't have years to ease her into it. *sigh*. Still, I will lower its effects to match her skill level. Can’t have her dying on us, can we?

Woman: Thank you, papa. Oh, and one more thing….  


*They reach the courtyard in which T is trying to meditate in. The sounds of crickets fill the air. The peace is broken by the woman’s call*

Woman: Excuse me, may I have your attention, miss.

*Pausing in what she is doing, Agent T opens her eyes at the call. Shielding them against the morning glare with one hand, she looks up to see who is speaking to her, confused, as she hasn’t seen this woman around the temple before this moment*

Agent T: Uh….yeah? What do you need, Miss…..uh….?

Woman: My name is Ai. I’m this old man’s daughter and I will be your Master while you’re here.  *Eyes closed, she walks up to T with her hand outstretched*

Ai: I will warn you, due to our time limit, I must be stern with you; you will eat when I tell you to. You will run when I tell you to. You will sleep when I tell you to and you will cry when I tell you to.

*She takes a military stance, head tilted up, eyes looking downwards towards T, eyes finally open to show her demonic eyes*

Ai: I’ve trained Pandora’s finest and I expect greatness from you, no exceptions. Is that understood?

*Her presence drops for a quick moment, shaking the whole temple, making T brace herself*

Agent T:....C-crystal…?

Ai: Good. Now, I’ll explain this little tool.

*She fastens an ivory bracelet to T’s wrist. It glows for a moment before settling down*

This little tool will be your moderator,  it has come to my attention that your usage of magic is well excessive. In addition it will drain you of energy when you waste spiritual power in excess. N addition don't use the spiritual power at all and it will begin to ache.

Agent T: So, essentially I need to make sure to use it occasionally enough that it won’t hurt, but don’t use too much too often at the same time. Well, they do say moderation in all things. I think remembering to use magic will be more of an issue than overusing it, since I’ve been a clerk before the field. This is…..kinda my first rodeo where magic is concerned. *She pokes the bracelet, interested.* So….how does this work, anyway? I mean, I know it’s magic, but….like….on a technical level? It’s pretty cool something so small can register something so minute as magical fluctuations to the level it can pick out such a balance. Most magic detecting machinery isn’t quite that sensitive, you know?

Ai: It’s nothing that complex - it’s just a parasite that feeds on spiritual power. Release too much power and it will consume your life force bit by bit. Don't feed it enough and it WILL tell you, attacking your nervous system, ect, ect…. But this parasite’s in its infancy, so it should only be a tingle to you.

Agent T: So….Its like….having a pet on my wrist that eats me if I don’t feed it magic occasionally?

Monk & Ai: Take it seriously!

Agent T: *wide eyed* But I am taking it seriously! I don’t want it to die! Well, or eat me, either, but I’m a responsible pet owner so I have to do my very best to take good care of it! The fact that taking care of it helps me to control magic is well just means that I have to try doubly hard! Hm….I think I’ll name it…..Bob, what do you think?

*A sharp whistle rings though the air, and a sharp crack can be heard as the sake jug crashes in T’s direction*

Ai: Oh… the sake throw…. Haven't see that in a while…. Your aim’s getting worse, old man.

Monk:  Shut it you. I think I’ll let you two get better acquainted. *mumble mumble* and get more sake.

Ai: It’s still morning, you alcoholic!

Monk: That's ‘Functioning Alcoholic’ to you, Ai.

*He leaves and the girls are left alone*

Ai: Well… shall we get started?

Agent T: Sure. Let’s get this show on the road. I look forwards to learning from you, Sensei.



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