Wednesday 4 January 2017

Leave it in 2016!

Nadia: OK y’all, so I promised and we’re gonna deliver. But first, I just wanna say this shit neeeeeeeeds to stop! It’s annoying and it ain’t cute! People, we’re are better than this!!!!! SERIOUSLY!

Tara: So, basically, we decided to make a list of (in no particular order) our top ten of things that we think should be left behind in 2016. Please note though that this is our opinion only, so if you don’t agree with our list, then that’s fine. Hell, make your own list and let us know what you think should be left behind in the year gone - it’d be interesting to see whether you guys think of anything we might have forgotten (or blocked out of our minds from pure horror that we forgot from pure survival instinct). Lol.

Nadia: …. Ok, this is a bonus one right of the bat: the fact that we have to do disclaimers and all this mess means there’s something wrong with the world today….. But, hey, let’s get into it!

Number One: The Ombre Look: It’s Not Cute. Stop Doing It!

Nadia: OK, it was cute at first with the hair and the make up for about a month…. Then y’all took it too far. I seriously was walking in town and this girl was all ombre. Everything, from the hair, to the makeup, to the nails... It was too much! Yes, it was too much! And I was like ‘OK, that’s weird. Maybe she didn’t look in the mirror? Maybe her friends and family hate her to not tell her how fucking tacky it was to go out like that and think it was ok’.
I thought it was an isolated incident, but sweet baby Jesus nailed on a cross, nope, nope, nope…. I went to london and saw 3 more of these freak shows. Now, I’m not the fashionista I used to be, but, Ladies, and some of my fellas, stop this shit! My eyes can’t take it no mo! It had it’s run, now let it die!

Tara: You know, I always just thought it was from when people died their hair once and grew out the roots. Lol. Might be kind of the point of the style, but it just always reminds me of that. So, while some colour mixes I don’t mind too much (even if it is an obvious dye job), other colours just make me think of someone who’s just too lazy to re-dye their hair. Is that just me, or does anyone else ever think of that?

Nadia: Nah, just another reason why it needs to end.

Number Two: Quit Crying (Over Every Little Thing)

Tara: Uh….When you say ‘crying over everything’, I’m gonna assume this is more the ‘overreacting kind of way, rather than a ‘I cry at animated movies’ kind of way? Cause, unfortunately, I know I’m in the latter category. Haha.

Nadia: Nah. Cute, but nah. I’m talking about the ‘tumblrism mentality’ that’s plaguing this generation. ‘Oh, I’m X,Y,Z, so I’m triggered… I identify as A,B,C, so you just have to accept it’….. It’s all about Race…. Racial Slur: if you don’t get your dumb ass outa my face!

Humph. And before y’all get your pitchforks, listen to what I’m about to say!!!!!

I’m black, I’m part of the rainbow flag, I’m an atheist, I’m from the ghetto, yet I’m not a stereotype. I hate police, but not for the reason you think. Have a shit ton of things ‘wrong’ with me, yet do you see ME complaining or do you see me trying to change things for the better?

And having all these tags, ‘triggers’, bitching, rants, blacklistings, ect, ain’t gonna change shit. What you end up doing is making people roll their eyes at the situation and all that ‘tublrism’ does is create toxic environments and fuel toxic people. Trust me, I lived with these types of people for two years. And, when I final got my laptop back, one of the first 10 videos going up there is that.  But, yeah, I know you guys have a message to tell the world that you believe is important, but demanding instead of politely educating people is not the way to do it. And if people don’t listen, Fuck them. They won’t effect your life, no way! Finally, just stop crying!

Tara: I think that there are ways and means of getting a point across. Doing it in this manner sometimes just cheapens it, somehow. It just, as Nadia mentioned, fuels more hate, and isolates rather than bringing people together.

The way I see it, if you want to change things for the better, instead of isolating people and pushing them away with a ‘you can’t understand me’ attitude, wouldn’t it make sense to try and let people understand you and your point of view, or how you see the world? I find that understanding in that way would help far more than pushing everyone away and playing ‘victim’. There are times when people have a particular thing that might not be fully understood, and sometimes, people want to understand, but if it’s brought up, that person could be shouted at or shunned because they don’t ‘know how it feels’. It would make more sense to explain it to them, rather than shunning them as ‘ignorant’, so they can understand. Though, that is just me. I’ve never particularly liked confutation, myself, and would prefer to be educated to avoid treading on people’s toes. So, rather than this attitude that makes people out to be victimised, it would do all of us better to just be a little more open and allow people to learn, grow and understand. Of course, there will always be people who will be jerks out there, but it’s best not to label everyone as jerks before a chance is given, you know?

Nadia: There is nothing that pissess me more than a bitch playing the victim card. It’s pathetic, underhanded and it makes both parties look bad (also, the term ‘bitch’, here, applies to both sexes. Again, the fact that I have to point this out means there’s something wrong with society today!!!!)

Number Three: Your Lying Malingering Ass!

Nadia: OK, this feeds off the last point, buuuuut… yeah, it’s needed. I saw some of this in highschool, but shit tons of it in uni and, oh boy, it not only made me cringe, but it made me sick to my stomach that people actually do this because, not only does it undermine people with actual issues, it also makes people judge others and look at them with side eye
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s the definition, according to google:

Malinger: pretending to be ill in order to escape duty or work.

Example 1: I suffer from OCD so I want X my way

Example 2: Oh, I’m trans and even though you know my as X for so many years, I feel offended that you won’t call me Y and remember that my name is Y! You’re being an X-phob.

Me ‘Racial Slur: If you don’t get the fuuuck out my face! You are the reason people with depression, MPD, etc, have a hard time being believed and I ain’t talking to all of y’all, just the select few selfish idiots out there. And, if you get offended by this, then I’m talking to YOU! It’s both pathetic and manipulative: two things I expect from a five year olds, not teenagers and grown people.

Tara: As I mentioned in the previous point, playing the Victim card does tend to just annoy people rather than gain support. And in some cases, a little patience is needed. Not everyone will be fully clued into things straight away (this ties back into what I mentioned earlier about explaining situations and educating the uninformed).

It’s worse if you’re outright lying you have a ‘problem’, or even lying that you have a bug to get yourself off work or something. It tends to make people less likely to believe others who genuinely have an illness or a problem, and if you’re found out to actually be lying about a problem you ‘have’....well, there is a parable out there about the Boy Who Cried Wolf - one day you could genuinely discover a problem, or an illness, or even have an accident somewhere, and people may not believe you.


Nadia: Now, back on a lighter topic, I’m not saying all this stuff will kill you. I’m not saying all this stuff ain’t dope. But I am saying that half of this needs to stop! Seriously, I don’t know what happened. Was 2016 the year of the meme or somethin’? The only one’s I actually got into was that ‘You name it’ challenge and the ‘mannequin challenge.’. The rest I happily let fly by me.

Coz they were either too stupid or not entertaining enough.

Tara: Admittedly, there were more challenges that got around this year than I’ve ever seen. It seemed to get really popular after the Ice Bucket one, and then there just seemed to be ten more every time you look. I am kinda curious as to who actually came up with all the ideas? But either way, 2016 was a year for these, but maybe something new to go around the internet for this year, perhaps?

Number Five: Don’t Ask Me For Help And Then Ignore My Advice… I Will Cut You!

Nadia: I’ve had this one happen to me toooo many times this year, so 2017 I’m just gonna shut my mouth and listen with deaf ears, ‘coz it seems you really don’t want my advice. You just want a living person to complain to. I’m not a therapist, my dear, I’m an agony aunt at best.

But what I am is Tera-Pissed at people doing this to me. I’m giving you advice, you do the opposite, you complain to me some more and all I can tell ya, boo, is ‘soz, things will get better’. Coz, hunie, you get one chance. The next time I have my headphones in and I’m texting you short answers: ‘Yeah’, ‘I know right’, ‘um’, ‘ok’, ‘bye!’

Just don’t complain coz the next time it’s gonna be a big fat ‘I told yo’ ass! Did you listen…? NO! OK then’, then I’m a give you a lecture of a lifetime! Seriously… play me. See what I’ll do

Tara: Admittedly this has happened much less to me, personally, but I do know people who have asked for advice, then either ignored it anyway, done something completely different or got offended by the advice because it wasn’t what the person wanted to hear. Unfortunately, asking for advice will sometimes come with constructive criticism - we all get it sometimes. But in this case, if you don’t want to hear the answer, there’s no point in asking the question. Of course if you hear different advice that helps better or you do something different and it works out, that’s great - not everyone gives the best advice after all and getting a second opinion never hurts, but if you ask for advice, do something completely different, then discover the advice you had earlier could have helped, probably best not to go back to the person you got the advice from and complain to them. They will just say ‘I told you so’.

Number Six: Incompetence is Bliss!

Nadia: OK, know I joked about this last time... but I’m serious about this. Two things happened last year that made me give up on humanity: America, you voted Trump... TRUMP as president. And the UK, we voted for the brexit… It hurt my heart. I said it before and I’ll say it again: let the idiots take care of themselves - the smarter ones will survive (not just talking about academics here)

Inner me: it’s called natural selection -.-’

Tara: Essentially….this is more of a case of ‘you made these choices...then you find you don’t like the consequences and want back what you decided against in the first place’. Though, I’ll admit, I am baffled by the results of some of the big life changing choices. Like ‘how did you take that guy seriously?’ - I mean, I know they say not to judge a book by it’s cover, but sometimes a little instinct goes a long way, too. So….maybe, long story short, is that maybe a bit more thought needs to go into our choices, so we don’t immediately regret them in 2017?

Number Seven: Celebrity Trends.
Nadia: OK, I’ll say this once and only once: the Kardashians didn’t invent shit! I’m tired of people saying they ‘invented’ X,Y, & Z: Boxer braid… black people did it first, my Ninger. Should I call Brandy as testimony?

Cornrows…. Well, every rapper and R&B singer of the nineties, will you please stand up!

Also Selena Gomez… this ‘new trend’ of wearing your pj’s out…. HA! Have you SEEN UNI students attending morning class? Have you been to the hood? Pft! Please!!!!

Tara: There’s also some trends that were worn way in the past that come back now. Now, I’m no fashionista, I’ll admit that, but some styles were left behind for a reason. Like Denim on denim. But because celebrities wore it recently (maybe they just like it personally), the fashion comes back. We are not lemmings, we don’t have to follow every celebrity trend, you know. And if a trend comes by that involves cliff jumping, I’m gonna stay nice and safe while the trend followers carry on. Then again,. As said, never claimed to follow trends, so maybe it’s just me.

Number Eight: Don’t Call Me For Something You Can Do Yourself

Nadia: I don’t know how it is for other ethnicities, buuuut I know black parents are the ones to do this the most.

Lets just say you can be upstairs, you be deep into writing a report, be deep into a book and, yeah, you name to be called 30 times just to get the remote in front of them. I’m like, ‘seriously?’!

Also, it’s worse when the sibling is right there in the room who could have done it for them, but nope, nope, nope! YOU must be the one to take this pointless quest, my friend, and please believe by the time you get to the upstairs you will be called once more!!!!

Sometimes you then consider changing your name to Silence and then contemplate your own existence.

Me: Hey mum, what happened to your last slave?
Mum: Died of exhaustion
Me: Sooo...
Mum: That’s why I have you
Me: *Shivers as she said that with a sweet smile*

Tara: I know in my house it’s not as common….though there are times when I do get called to do something that really doesn’t need doing. Though usually getting texted to do something is only if my bro is being lazy or I was wearing earphones and didn’t hear a call. So this point here is something that doesn’t apply too much to me personally, but it is funny the few times it has happened, if only so the rest of the house can be all like ‘did you seriously just text so and so when they’re, like, right there’. But if we were asked to grab the remote for someone when it’s right in front of them, that usually gives rights to tease the crap out of the lazy person for either a) being lazy, or b) being really unobservant.

Number Nine: Do NOT Waste My Time!

Nadia: Listen, you can waste my money - I can always get that back. But do not! Waste my time! Time is money. Time is precious. If you’re working for me and you mess around, I will drop your ass.

I’m not here to mess around. Tell me ‘well, I’m gonna need a few more days’, ‘I’m gonna be late’ or, even better, ‘I’m going to need to give this project to another person because I’m not qualified to do X,Y,Z’!

Dont fuck with me. Just get it done or let me go with someone else!

Tara: Essentially, here we’re talking about when you have hired someone to help with a project, such as designing a font or logo, etc, or perhaps with printing, something that you need done, but need someone else to help out with and either you gave a deadline, or they promise to deliver by a certain time, then they will faff around or not deliver on time. It can push back a lot of things, and will not only give you a bad name, but whoever hired you as well. Basically, if you want to be hired again, don’t make promises you can’t keep and, if you can’t make a deadline, say in advice, rather than taking a job that you won’t be able to finish on time. It’s only decent courtesy, after all.

Nadia: Preach sister! And, yeah, if you haven’t noticed, this has happened to us a few times last year.

Number Ten: New Year, New Me?

Nadia: Realy… you don’t know how mad this BS makes me and I’m so glad people I know aren’t posting this in 2017, because we allll know your dumbass will be the same as you that you were the year before by the time the 15th roles by. Pft! new year, new me #waistingmytime

Tara: Like I said last time….I really don’t tend to do it myself. I kinda like the me I am now, after all. If I’m going to change, probably best to change because I want to, rather than because one is expected to as a new year’s resolution. It’s more likely to happen then if I’m inspired to change, rather than giving up after three weeks. lol

Nadia: And that about wraps it up, people! Like I said before, it’s a new year; let’s try and do better. Less bitching, less incompetence and less assholes! We deserve better! Plus the world could end tomorrow, ya know… Trump’s in charge of nuclear weapons, so yeah, we’re all fucked, but at least we’re all fucked together.. Right! Right?

Tara: Ooooor, we could at least attempt to look at things optimistically….maybe….?

Nadia: NOPE! The world gonna end. Better get the bomb shelter ready. Don’t know about you, but I got the blueprints ‘n’ rations ready.

Both: Well, ‘til next time, Agents!

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