Sunday, 23 October 2016

Tanra Lore: The Dreamscape

Hey Everyone! Tara from TanraStudios here and today, I thought we can do something a bit different.

As you know, our main title, Pandora, is often the focus of our blogs, be it Nadia and I talking about the lore, or our Side Stories which involve our ‘universe selves’ being in different Pandora related scenarios. This time, I’ll be talking about a lore in the Tanra Universe that is explored mostly in one of our other titles, dreamwalkers, but is also touched upon in other titles, like Pandora and other future ones.

So, today, we talk about the lore on dreams. Or rather, the Dreamscape.

So, Dreams. As I’m sure most people know, to put into simple terms and without delving into too much dreamology or sleep interpretations, dreams occur during certain stages of sleep and are often influenced by the subconscious (Which is why some dreams are linked to certain troubles in real life, though it could just be that the dreamer ate something funny before bed, too!), but in the Tanra Verse, dreams are a little more complicated. If you’ve read some of our other Tanra Lore’s, you probably noticed that there is a lot of supernatural, even divine activity that occurs within the universe and dreams are no less influenced. Thus, the Dreamscape.

The Dreamscape in and of itself could be considered a kind of ‘world’, if one considers that dreams don’t tend to follow any one particular logical path. As such, when it comes to the dreamscape, one should keep something of an open mind as to what might go on there. So it can have a lot of opportunities for interesting confrontations. But not only that either, but since the mind is in a more vulnerable state during sleep, it makes sense that it would also be the target of gods, demons and other mystic forces.

So, much like the rest of the Tanra Verse, the dreamscape is also ruled over by gods, such as Hypnos, Morpheus (not the Matrix one! lol) Vishnu, the Sandman, etc are gods whose domains cover sleep. As such, in the universe, dreams can sometimes be messages from the gods, acting as warnings or even getting heros to go into a direction certain gods might want them to, especially as the gods in the story universe (except in some unusual cases or because it’s part of their divine duties) cannot directly interfere with humans unless everything goes FUBAR.

Sometimes, dreams are also indications of other supernatural events within the universe. Since Tanra Verse includes the idea of reincarnation, it’s entirely possible that there are cases when a reincarnated soul might even dream of their past lives.

It can also be said that there are supernatural creatures that may be taken care of, either by Pandora, or freelancer groups like S.O.S (the main team from Dreamwalkers), can also affect dreams, or cause sleep, be it creatures like Succubi or Inccubi, or by Freddy Cruger like beings that can kill by influencing the dreamscape directly. As such, for Supernatural based teams, it is entirely possibly that the dreamscape is just another type of battlefield. Teams like S.O.S specialise in dealing with these kinds of threats, and might even be hired by Pandora as consultants during some cases, especially if it’s an extremely specialised case.

To sum up, in the Tanra Verse, while some dreams may literally just be dreams, other times they might be a bit more telling than you think, so it’s always good to keep an eye on even the most bizarre of dreams, it might just be a dream, or it might be a god, or a mystical interference. Who knows?

So, until next time, Agents!


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