Wednesday, 5 October 2016

More Messages

--- Last time ---

Little Flower: You worry… about me? And admit what!? I have no idea what you on about. Also, stop calling me cute and adorable! I’m not a kid any more, so call me hot and sexy instead if you’re gonna compliment me!!!!! Jeez, it’s like you only see me as a kid, we’re the same age, damn it!

???: …..Yeah, you’re right. Sorry. But yes, of course I worry about you. Just how I show my worry tends to be by bothering you. After all, if you react the same as always, it just means that you’re alright after all. So, I’m glad that everything is ok on your end. *looks away for a long moment ….Looks like my time's up for now, though, so I’ll have to cut this short for now. I’ll ring you again once I’m free. See you then?

--- Docking Yard, awaiting Pandora’s Private Ship, Unknown location ---

*A communicator belonging to ???  pings several times in a row*

Agent One: Oh? I thought you just spoke to your partner?

???: ...Odd...By this time she should be boarding Pandora’s Private jet by now...

*Opens the communicator, and is hit with a barrage of messages*

Message One:  Hey, I’m sorry I offended you. I didn’t mean to yell at you, I’m so sorry so don’t be mad

Message Two: I’m worried about you and I’m scared and uneasy when I’m not with you…. We`ve been away from each other for far too long.

Message Three:  I’m sorry if you’re too upset with me now, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry so don’t hate me ok? It’ll kill me if you hate me. So… so please don’t hate me

???: What on….? *stares at messages in honest confusion before sighing, rubbing his neck* Honestly…..That girl….Why on earth would she think I was mad at her?

Agent One: You both did leave it on an awkward note, Master.

???: *Tightens grip on the communicator slightly*...So it would seem...

Agent Two: Hey, Master, if you don’t want her, I’ll have her. She sounds like she would be easy

???: *Dark glare* ...Excuse me?

Agent Two: Well, sir, you’re not looking at her, are you? If you’re not gonna take her, then I-

???: *Cuts off Agent Two with a flash  of light which blasts the man to the ground. ??? Glares at the fallen agent* That woman is my partner. I will not allow a lowly cur to insult her. Understand?

Agent Three: *Sighing at Agent Two’s behaviour* What an idiot... even if he was thinking it, there are some things that should never be said.

Agent One: This way, Master, the ship is ready to board.

Agent Four: Sir, you won’t have good reception on the boat, so if you want to respond, then I suggest doing it now.

???: *Sighing and calms down, before nodding* I know. A moment, please.

*A phone call later*

Communicator: H-hello, ???... Um... d-did you get my messages?

???: Well, they were certainly hard to miss, you know? But, jokes aside, I wanted to be sure this was cleared up before we’re both traveling and too busy to do anything else. Listen, I’m not, and have never been angry with you. I just….realised you’re right. You’ve been blooming perfectly into an adult after all. *Sad smile* You aren’t a child any more and I’ve been unfair to treat you as such.

Communicator: *Blush* Blooming per….. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!!!!! The stuff you say is suggestive, that why girls fall for you! Geez! *Sigh* ...Are you sure you’re not mad at me?

???: I already told you I’m not mad *Chuckle* But you have to admit you were adorable as a kid-

Communicator: Kids have to grow up, ???! Now I’m a woman with a hot body, many suitors and an annoying partner who flirts with everything in a skirt

???: Woooooow, I hadn’t realised you didn’t trust me that much

Communicator: It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s that you’re overly handsome, flirtatious, you give women the wrong impression, and everyone and everything are attracted to you.

???: Aaaaaah, so you’re jealous.

Communicator F*** YOU!!!! As if I would be jealous of those girls! I’m the one who around you the most, I’m your partner! I’m the one who gets to hang out with you, right? Right?

???: For someone who says they aren’t jealous, you’re making a good impression. But, humour me….why are you jealous?


???: Be patient, Little Flower. I’ll see you soon. I’ll be looking forwards to reuniting in China.

Communicator:   I’m not a dog waiting for it’s owner, what do you take me for? I`ll be waiting because I want to, not coz you told me too!!!

???:  Yes yes, of course, Dear Flower.

Communicator: Stupid ???! Hurry up and come back to me. We’ve been on the opposite sides of the world too long.

???: I’ll be there as soon as I can. But to do that, I’ll have to head off. Until then, partner                                               

Communicator: Good! I’ll speak to you when I land. Bye ;)



OOC: Ok, guys! We’re going to be MIA for a little while, as we’re going on holiday to the Big Apple! Though we won’t be blogging til we get back, keep an eye out for our twitter (@Tanra626), where we’ll be tweeting like mad once we land!

‘Til next time, Agents!!!!

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