Wednesday, 11 May 2016

The Faces We Show

*2 months after the breach*

Tara: Well, we’re certainly jack of all trades lately. First information networkers, then translators, then running TT radio broadcasts…Heh, reckon that by the end of it well end up being cooks, finance workers and Janitors, too?

Nadia: lol shut it you. That’s not funny haven’t had a bloody holiday in fucking ages! Alastair, you bloody slave diver, I’m going to fucking kill you when I next see you!

Tara: …Huh…So…that’s how many in the swear jar this time? *rattles jar*

*clink, clink, clink, clink*

Nadia: fuck you!!! +.+


Seriously, my mum said the same thing to me. “Seriously, dear, can you not swear so much? The family are listening into your little radio.  No one else is swearing, think of what your Uncle K would say.”

Nadia:  And I’m like, “sure, sure, but Fuck that! Listen, there’s a different mask on show when I’m with the family and a different mask I ware in front of our audience. Its true in the field and different in a home setting. Its not like I do it often, but I feel like there’s a little hypocrisy here. Woman cusses like a sailor at home, in the car and at my siblings’ at every moment. Talking about “I doesn’t look good on you, Nad”. Mama, lead by example, not this do as I say not as it do shiiiit.

Tara: Besides, you pay for that habit enough here anyway, huh? *shakes swear jar*

Nadia: *High Pitched Voice* Fuck you! *clink, clink, clink* Tara…I will kill you, don’t think I wont…

Tara: *cute face* But you wove me!

Nadia: Ummmmmm hmmmmm.

Tara: *Super Mega Puppy Eyes Go!*

Nadia:…Bad Tara.

Tara: Anyway, joking aside, I get what you mean. It’d be mega weird if I acted to everyone how I acted towards my mum. I mean…that would be a bit creepy. I personally don’t tend to swear often, but that’s just my choice, not because I’m always thinking my mum would disapprove.
Nadia: Exactly, like with my friends at home, this is just some thing we all do and, to be honest, is our way of expressing pent up rage. And, yes, some people don’t like it, but we don’t do it around them.  I’m a firm believer of not holding back on what one feels. Again, its just a preference. There’s time and place for certain behavior, this and in our office is mine.

And, no, in real life I don’t cuss this much, unless I’m venting or trying too keep in ‘character’

Tara: ‘Character’? You mean like when you’re out on the field, right?

Nadia: Exactly! Especially if I have to go undercover – unless I have to blend in, of course. And here, of course. So Fuck it all and that polite shit.

*clink, clink*

Nadia: Will you quit it already and give me back my purse!

Tara: Heh heh! Sure you’ll have enough for this month?

Nadia: Exactly! *snatches swear jar*

Tara: Heh Heh! Anyway, get ready! We’re going live in three…two…one…

Nadia: S’up Fuckers! I’m Nadia Williams and this is Tara Washington and this is Double T Radio!

Tara: *quietly, face in palm* You learned nothing…


Note: Yes, I did swear a lot in this, but it was to illustrate a point. My ‘character’ does swear quite a bit in this, but me, as a person, doesn’t swear as often. While the character has my name, she is not ‘me’. Sorry to throw you under the bus, Mum, but this was something I had to do. Like I said before, there’s a difference between character and real life ^.6 Plus it made for a really interesting topic. Don’t hate me!

*Rattle rattle*

Tara, will you put the swear jar down already!!!

Ahem…Anyway, this is the end of the note. We’ll see you on Saturday, Agents!

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