Tuesday, 24 May 2016

It's The Final Count Down

Nadia: Damn it, why isn't any of this ready yet! We only have a few hours left!!!!

Tara: Um....would now be a good time to point out I'm pretty much done? Just a bit...Oh god not the death glare! Spare meeeeeee!

Nadia: Try me today! Try meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

Tara: Nope, nope, nuh uh, no way. I like living, thanks!

Nadia: That's what I thought. I've had enough drama last night.

Tara: Hey, look on the bright side, as soon as we're done we can go and party or get drunk or get through our depression with chocolate and forget about this whole thing until the next deadline comes up, or we get more projects dumped on us.

Nadia: You mean the thing they wanted us to do in June? How spread out our we? I feel like Arbie in her dream house and many, many careers. Jesus, I thought I was an agent, damn it! This is not what I signed up for +.+

Tara: Yeah, pretty much. Hopefully we'll finally figure out something so that we aren't pretty much like butter on too much bread. At least ??? is getting us a few more agents soon. We just have to look on the bright side!

Nadia: Butter on.... honey, are you hungry?

Tara: Uh....maybe? I didn't have breakfast today. Heh heh....*blushes*

Nadia: Umm humm! well its almost lunch, and well lets just finish up here so we can chill later. :P

Tara: Yus! We're on this! The food is cheering us on! It believes in us!!!

Nadia: Well, if you want it to go faster, you know what you can do?

Tara: Put it on a bullet train?

Nadia: Fuck you, Tara!!! you could 'help me with my work' *wink wink*

Tara: Best I can do is help you print things. Madam Pouvell would murder us if I helped more than that. I'd rather not end up like the science department last time they blew the place up.

Nadia: What she doesn't know wont hurt her *Grin!!!!*

Tara: But she knows everything......

Nadia: not particularly, I sole a hover board - the ones we used during the breach 3 years prior - and she still doesn't know *Grin*

Tara: Ok, maybe she doesn't, but Alastair certainly does.

Alastair: Yes, indeed. There is nothing I do not know.

Nadia: Then you should also know that there was dedicated hacker from our old friends, who tried to break in and I spent most of the time playing cat and mouse with him. And the fact that if you were really mad you would have done something long ago AND if I hadn't stolen the boards we wouldn't have had an advantage during the breach.

Alastair: That doesn't mean I wasn't aware. You were handling it just fine. Is it not, after all, your job, miss 'I'm an agent'?

Nadia: You know... I really do hate you sometimes. Just because I have an injury and I'm technically unfit for field work anymore, doesn't mean I can't shoot a gun.

Alastair: Your complaint is noted, Miss Williams. Now, I believe if you have the energy to complain, then you have the energy to work. If you will excuse the pun...hop to it.

Nadia: Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!

Tara: *Laughing*


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