Sunday, 18 September 2016

...And Into the Fire!

--- Last time ---

Alastair: *Chuckle* Once we seal the site, I’ll ask one of 626’s future agents to personally teach you some basic warding magic. The more battle ready spells take years to master, but we’ll practice it together once everything has settled down, what do you say? *Pets Tara’s head*
Tara: Really? Awesome! Even bigger reason not to get myself all beat up again…..uh…..not that I needed a reason, heh. But I’m going to do my best. Ugh…..though I suppose it’s…..normal to feel a little sick before a major fight? Just nerves, right?

Alastair: You’ll get used to-

*Alastair cuts himself off as he senses something and rushes over to the Head Monk. They rush to the entrance of the village. Worried, Tara runs after them until she skids to a halt beside Alastair and the Head Monk. Her eyes widen*

Tara: Oh hell…...

--- Outside Village, Izumo Region, Japan ---

[A massive boar roars, it’s voice makes the ground tremble. The head monk's eyes wided]

Alastair: What is that thing *Alastair unsheathes his sword*

Tara: I-is it some kind of boar youkai or something? *grips own weapon in trembling hands* Whatever it is….it looks really….pissed off…

Head Monk: Please, Joubert-san, I ask that you do not take his life. That is no youkai, but the god of the forest. The life of this forest is tied to the god. If you destroy him, then the land will fade along with his life. (does this work?)

Alastair: Then what do we do? If we don’t stop him, he’ll destroy the village!

Head monk: I believe I can calm him down, but I need time *unraps his hand, revealing a gentle aura* Since the seal was broken, there has been a faint miasma that’s been making most of the more gentle youkai act strangely... I never thought it would be so bad as to corrupt a god like this...

Alastair: Sure, I’ll do my best. Quickly, Tara, use this! *Throws a silver pistol in her direction*

Tara: *Grabs the pistol in her free hand and gives Alastair a look* Uh…..guns just piss off youkai! The Jurogumo batted bullets off like flies before - I doubt a god’s going to even blink at this! What am I supposed to do with…. *looks again* Zeus?

Alastair: *Chuckle* Do you trust me?

Tara: You know, it’s always when people say stuff like that that either dramatic ‘I’m actually evil’ music plays, or someone pulls a deus ex machina from somewhere….Please tell me it’s the latter?

Alastair: *Chuckles and starts running* That’s no ordinary gun. It was forged from two cursed blades long ago - it’s far superior to those toy guns you’re use to. You should see its other half. I doubt you’ll be able to unlock its true potential, but it should come in handy for now.

Tara: Wow, thanks for that ringing endorsement when I’m about to get stampeded by a pissed off boar god……*Starts running after Alastair*

Alastair: I meant no offense little one, but its full potential can only be unlocked by it’s true owner, that’s all :3

Tara: So I’m walking around with the proverbial ‘Sword in the Stone’ - are you even sure this thing will work for me at all? I’m really trying to trust you here but I really don’t want to die here!

Alastair: if your that troubled by it, aim and fire!

*Chanting can be heard in the distance*

Tara: I swear if this doesn’t work and I die, I’m so haunting your ass! *Fires the gun in the direction of the incoming god*

*A spark turns into a raging bolt of energy the air ripples around the forest god and a light pierces through its skin. The beast suddenly stops its rampage for just a moment and redirects its gaze to Alastair and Tara.*

Alastair: Brilliant, just time *Alastair jumps an insane height and hits the boar on on the head with the back of his blade, knocking it over*

Tara:...Holy shi…..taki mushrooms…. *Stares at the gun for a moment.* Uh….Deus ex Machina it is…. *Prepares to use the gun again to keep the god down if it got up again from Alastair’s attack*

Alastair: Didn’t I tell you? Now, Zeus, Paralyze Mode 33! *Gun transforms slightly*  

Alastair: Now, hopefully your next shot should send out little friend to sleep for a while. Just wait for my signal *Alastair sprints off again as the boar stands up

Tara: Oh….joy…. *swallows hard but aims the gun again, biting her lip as she awaits the signal*

Alastair:  *Runs towards the boar when a sudden whistle rings in his ears, suddenly two sheci pin down the god.*

Tara: Wait….what?

Head Monk: *The loud chanting comes to an end* Oh Great Forest God, I beseech you! Return to your true mind, for your land shall be cleansed!

*Light envelops the land, then the god turns back to normal*

Tara: Uh…..My eyes…..ow….*blinks rapidly and rubs her eyes* So, for those of us that have very little field experience with magic and all that jazz, can someone explain what just happened....?

Alastair: he cleansed the land… well, as well as he can, considering our current situation. And it seems- *Cut of by the god waking up*

Forest God: My mind... my mind has been freed of its bloody haze, twisted from the screams of pain from my land. Tell me, Human Monk, has the miasma that plagued me finally been banished?

Head Monk: *Panting and looking very pale* F-for now

Forest God: The Miasma has been ever growing around my forest. Despite all efforts, neither my servants, no I, have been able to banish it, and even now, it has twisted the guardians that protect my children, turning them into monsters that would betray us. Be warned, monk, should this not be fixed, more blood shall be shed. Proceed with caution. But know this, I shall aid you as best I can, but for now….I must retire, for I am weary.

*Forest god then fades, a patch of foliage remaining where his body once laid.*

Tara:...Well…..that….just happened….So….the miasma that is coming out of that broken seal...I knew it had been twisting the l;and somewhat and drawing in youkai, but it’s strong enough to twist a god too? *looks around uneasily* Just what used to be sealed in there that it could even affect a god’s mind like that…?

Head monk: Another, more powerful, entity... one that should have never walked on this earth.

Alastair: But that’s above your pay grade.

Head monk: Shall we retire for the evening? The villagers will deal with the mess here.


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