--- Izumo Airport, Japan ---
*The team has just exited the airport*
Tara: *sparkling eyes* I know we’re supposed to be in a serious business situation, but I’m so excited! I’ve always wanted to go to Japan before! *sigh* It’s a shame though….I’d have loved to really have a proper tour of the place….
Agent: Maybe if everything goes well with the mission we may have a day or so to relax before going back But make sure not to get distracted, otherwise you might not make it to that point.
Tara: I know I kno- Ooooh, a butterfly!
Agent: -.-’ I thought I just said-
Tara: I was joking, stop fretting! You know what it’s like, everyone deals with nerves differently. Either I joke or I get all frustrated and that’s not what we need. So, where exactly is the place we’re staying while we investigate?
Agent: There’s a temple in the Shimane prefecture, Izumo-taisha. Pandora has some links to them and they agreed to allow us to base there until the mission is complete.
Tara: Ah, I hope that I didn’t need to brush up on temple etiquette. I….uh….aren’t exactly Shinto, you know? Craaaap, I going to accidentally insult them, aren’t I?
Agent: I doubt they’re expecting that much from you.
Tara: ...Gee, thanks. Ass.
???: Don’t worry so much. If it’s a situation that you need to know something, we’ll make sure you know. We won't leave you hanging
Tara: Thanks, ???. So, shall we be going?
--- Izumo-taisha, Shimane prefecture, Japan ---
*The group enters the temple, where a young woman with short hair is just exiting from one of the rooms. She pauses as the others approach*
Young woman: Are you hoping to see Master?
Tara: Uh….yes. Is he free.
Young woman: Yes, I just finished speaking with him. You can go through. Please excuse me, however, I have a mission to attend to.
Agent: A mission?
Young woman: There was a Jorougumo has been causing some problems in one of the local villages that I must take care of. Please excuse me.
Tara: Of course.
Young Woman: *bows* Thank you.
*The young woman leaves and the rest of the team enter the room with the Temple’s head priest within.*
Head Priest: Ah yes, Mizuki did say that she saw a group of agents arriving. We have been expecting you. Once you have made yourselves comfortable, I will explain our situation to you.
*The agents all sit down and are served tea, while the Head Priest speaks to them*
Head Priest: As you may already know from briefings, in recent years, there have been a rising number of Youkai attacks in the area. It was not unusual for there to be appearances of the supernatural, but around three years ago, there appearances increased and more often than not were hostile. Demon hunter clans and the temples have been working together in order to subdue the attacks, however, there was a... complication.
???: Something to do with the seal we were hearing about?
Head Priest: That is correct. Over time, the seal appears to have either been weakened or tampered with, and we believe that it’s that which is drawing malevolent beings to the area. Unfortunately, we have been unable to get close to the area. Due to the need to protect the villagers, we cannot spare enough people to safely investigate the area as well as fending off attacks, at least, not without sacrificing innocent lives.
Tara: And that’s where we come in, right?
Head Priest: Precisely. Pandora has graciously stepped in to aid in this endeavour. We are extremely grateful for your assistance. *pulls out maps, which he lays across the table, pointing at a marked location* This is where the seal is located, within this area, though unfortunately those who know of its precise location are no longer with us. I’m afraid this is all we know. Until you are ready to leave, you are welcome to rest here. I imagine you are tired from your journey. If you need to rest, please speak to any of the Priests and Priestesses here, and they will guide you to your rooms.
???: Its best to rest. Jetlag won’t kill you, but being tired where brutal Youkai attacks are prevalent can. I’d rather not be bringing back whatever blooded remains are left in a matchbox, you know?
Tara: Well, there goes my nice night’s rest with those lovely images. Thanks ???
???: You’re welcome.
Tara:...That wasn’t a compliment. -_-’
???: Heh, I know. The mission begins bright and early in the morning. Sleep well!
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