Sunday, 10 April 2016

Crash Course on the Science Department

Agent: Hey, why is the science department’s initiation papers waaay different from the others….?
Tara: You have to ask?
Nadia: They’re bat shit crazy….. Listen, have you seen the new initiation form’s rules and job description?
Tara: I think I have a copy of it here, give me a sec. Oh, here’s the job description:
As a fully fledged member of the Pandora Organisation, you will be required to fulfil your duties in correlation to your assigned role [Scientist]:
  • Weapon/Armour Creation, Maintenance and Upgrades - Once field agents are fully trained and initiated, they will be given basic weapons and armour (if required), which will need upgrades as they advance through the ranks. Your job is to modify these weapons/armour as needed, as well as maintain them through routine check ups at the end of an agent’s mission. It is also your job to create weaponry to combat any newer threats as they arise.
  • Study of Supernatural Matter - matter of a supernatural nature might sometimes be brought back for analysis by the Sweepers or by Agents. It is your job to analyze any remains or supernatural substances to enable a better understanding of supernatural threats, in order to help to identify the source of the material, or to provide means of neutralisation against such substances.
  • Categorising the Supernatural - as new information arises about supernatural beings, you will be required to keep up to date information in a database, which agents may refer to on the field. These databases must include any means of combating them, their weak points (if known) and any known locations these creatures might appear in.
  • Study of Magics - Occasional Mystics will be consulted in the department, in order to aid and advise on weaponry design, in order to help enhance the research of magic design based weapons, amplifying and/or stabilizing powers, in addition to decreet and innovative design..
  • Pandora Defense - As a means of safety for all members of Pandora, security measures of both a technological and magical means are in place. These security measures must be routinely maintained and checked for inconsistencies.
  • Supernatural Verses Mundane Studies - as our agent will be back and forthing between the field and the office shared information will be given back the department in the form of the paperwork. As the ages progress some of the typical methods of dealing with supernatural beings will seas to be effective so further study will be needed to deal with the immediate and aftermath of certain supernatural entities. Whilst research will also be done on the effects of exposure to these encounters on the human body, other research will also be undertaken to see how mundane substances might affect the supernatural in turn
  • Finally, it is advised that noise levels, if possible, are kept to a minimum, as it may distract other departments. Failure to do so without good reason may incur the wrath of Madam Povéll.
Agent: *cold sweat* why do i feel like trusting them with stuff will backfire
Tara: Don’t worry, they’re good people…. most of the time. But that’s why we have the rule and regulations
Nadia: I think I got a copy of it here but it might have to save for next time
Agent: sure I’ll come back next time
Tara & Nadia: Bye!
Nadia: Sooo… have you heard that the agency branched out into comic conventions and stuff
Tara: yeah, you mean the Stoke-Con thing? 
Nadia: Yeah, I got a flyer!
Tara: Wanna go?
Nadia: Yeah, we got a table remember? I’m handing these out to spread the word. So come help me after work.
Tara: Sure. So what are we selling again?
Nadia: Comics, prints you know basic stuff like that
Tara: Oh, we could do a lucky dip and a commissions to raise money for the company, you know the website that they wanna do for the agent got put on hold because of the lack of funds.
Nadia: Yeah, I hear! Hopefully we can raise enough this time. Anyway, you wanna hit the bar - the one by Dora Dora? -.-
Tara: Sure ^.^

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