Hello agents, I would like to warn you that due to our servers being hacked, we will be off line from this coming Monday. I apologise for the inconvenience. Your incoming messages will be redirected to our Cherper account and Art of deviants account. We will try to fix the server or at least try to get some of the messages across, but it may take some time. We will be up and running in a fort night or so.
But for now, here’s first of your messages.
As a fully fledged member of the Pandora Organisation, you will be required to fulfil your duties in correlation to you assigned role [field agent]:
- You must protect both humanity and the mystics from potential threats. This can include possession, curses, threats of barbarism on either side, etc.
- Teamwork is mandatory. All field agents are required to work in minimum groups of two. You will be paired with someone who compliments your own skills. The exception to the rule is for investigations, though consent compunction between the two is vital; with reports back to the supervisor at the end of the investigation.
- Communication with the Organisation is mandatory, as back up or solutions may be needed in certain cases, through a field supervisor, via the provided communicators. Failure to do so with result in disciplinary action, or result in miscommunication or death in the field.
- Upkeep of any equipment or weaponry that you carry. Before you are able to work in the field, you are required to learn how to repair your equipment using the bare essentials, as maintenance will not always be at hand in the field. Agents may wish to venture to the science department for annual maintenance. As an agent, you must be able to keep all equipment in top condition to avoid failure at inopportune moments. Upgrades are accessible to C class agents and higher only. Modifications to D class agents and lower without the knowledge of the superiors will be trialled and will resulted in either a penalty or suspension.
- When you arrive, there will already be members of the CUC there working ground control. To gain access to the area, you will need to show them your ID card, to prove that you are a member of the organisation. Any persons with you will have to be discussed with the CUC agent.
- In case of capture and/or interrogation, you must never reveal anything about the organisation. There is a button on your communicator and other items which do not raise suspicion, that will alert the closest agency of your location. Until back up is provided, stay silent and, if necessary, be prepared to sacrifice in order to keep the existence of Pandora secret.
- In the event of injury, absence or death of you partner, you will either be assigned a replacement partner, or your field supervisor and team leader will assist you on missions until you new partner is assigned, or the injured party is returned to active duty.
And above all stay safe agent.
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