Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Introduction to the CUC

Welcome to the CUC, also known as the Clean-Up Crew. There are three main departments that work under this name. These are the Science Department, Crowd Control and Sweepers. 

The Sweepers clean up the supernatural waste left behind after field agents have dealt with the main threat. In rare occasions, body parts may need to be disassembled/contained in case of reanimation and further attack. Occasionally, you may be called to recover fallen agents. 

Crowd Control deals with public relations, to ensure conflict does not escalate and, in rare cases, deleting memories and restoring the original habitats. 

The Science Department are in charge of research development and experimentation for the agency to provide the most up to date in supernatural defence. Please refer to them at any time.

This concludes today’s introduction to the CUC. Further details will be provided at a later date.

Alastair Joubert

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Agent Guidelines 3.0: Pandora Rules and Regulations

Our main priority to all our agents is that of your safety. As such, there are many regulations in place to ensure this, alongside punishments that WILL be enforced if these regulations are broken, such as hearings and tribunals to enforce punishments. Rules may be added or removed based on the organisations situation at present. A copy of these rules will be available on your communicators under Rules and Regulations, and will be updated quarterly.

Rules and Regulations for 2016

1. Safety – acting recklessly may resort in damage to innocent civilians, your partner and morale. This will be punished by the point system. Your weapon will be returned to its base state and you will be restricted to paperwork and community service within the organisation.

2. Uniforms – Uniforms will be provided by the Pandora Organisation, partnered by the Nicole fashion line. We have a wide range of customisable designs with the three colours accessible to you: Black, Red Gold and Ivory. The team leader and field supervisor will sport colours of Black, Red and Gold. Agents caught wearing Team Leader/Field supervisor colours will have points added to their name, as this can cause confusion and miscommunication on the field. This is punished by one point for each instance.

3. Co-operation – You are required to co-operate with your teammates and the CUC. There will also be times when external consultants will be brought in to aid in certain missions. Teamwork is key, otherwise miscommunication and mistakes can occur which will result in collateral damage, or bring harm both to yourself and/or teammates. Failure to do so will be classed as insubordination, and punished as such.

4. Ground Control – Alongside field agents, CUCs will be on sight to combat and control the populous, to ensure the public remains calm while you work on your cases. Be sure to show your ID card to prove you are an Agent of Pandora. (For more information on CUC, please refer to Guideline 6A) Failure to provide your ID card will result in the area being inaccessible to you. 

5. Equipment Management – Please ensure all equipment is in working order, with annual maintenance with the Science Department. It is mandatory, after each successful mission, to ensure your equipment is in working order and was not damaged, as this could result in weapon equipment malfunction during missions. Failure to do so may result in suspension.

6. Insubordination – Your Team Leader and Field Supervisor are there to guide you through the missions. If you feel that the Team Leader or Supervisor are unsuitable for the position, you can appeal for an investigation or privately message the administrators. They will ensure confidentiality while looking into your case. You are advised to follow their lead, however, pure insubordination is unacceptable. Regardless of rank, only E rank equipment and locations will be accessible to you. Further punishment for insubordination can vary, depending on severity.

7. Penalty system – There is a three-point penalty system. If you gain three points, you will have an internal court hearing. You can appeal your case on the day, providing you have sufficient evidence. The case will be looked over by the company director or CEO. Points are as follows: Point 1 – Warning; point 2 - internal suspension from the field/paperwork duty; Point 3: stripped of rank and demoted to E rank. Further misconduct will result in Hearing and/or removal from the company.

8. In the Event of Disaster, i.e. sudden loss of teammate(s), retreat to home base/ safe house or return to the main sect. Do not play hero. Your life is important. Any bodies will be recovered once the situation is stable. Substitute partners will be provided if needed. If you are incapable of retreat, lay low and stay alive until backup can be provided.

Remember that these rules are here to ensure your safety and to minimise collateral damage. If you ever have any questions in regards to the rules and regulations, please contact your supervisor.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Agent Guidelines 3.0: Tools of the Trade

As an agent of the Pandora Organisation, you will be provided with the tools necessary to complete your assignments while complying with protocol. As previously stated, you will be responsible for the maintenance of all provided equipment, and are required to attend annual check ups with the Science Department, to ensure that upkeep is in line with Pandora regulations.

Provided equipment are as follows:

1) ID Card – Your ID card is your key to the organisation and is distributed according to rank, starting from E, and extending to A. Depending on your rank, you may be restricted from certain areas and information. Your rank can be increased through hitting certain criteria, and your card will be changed in accordance to this. Your card must be kept on your person at all times. As it is highly resistant to all forms of damage, if your card is lost, there are high repercussions.

2) Communicator – There are two main models in regards to your communicator. CM3000, which is reminiscent of a hand-held phone, and the CM92S, which is the size of a tablet. Both function the same way. They will provide you with your case files and keep you in contact with your team.  They are locked via a retinal scan or finger print scan, depending on your preference. As such, only you are capable of using your own device.

3) Weapon(s) – As you know from your training, you are advised to specialise in a weapon. Once you have gained D rank, you may customise your weapons, with supervision from the Science Department. Higher-grade features will become available as you gain higher ranks. Any persons who are not of C rank or higher caught with restricted customisations will be severely punished (see agent guidelines 5A)

Additional equipment may be requested or required for specific missions, which will be outlined in the pre-mission brief if the need arises and will be provided by your supervisor.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Server Issues And Your Duty as a Pandora Agent

Hello agents, I would like to warn you that due to our servers being hacked, we will be off line from this coming Monday. I apologise for the inconvenience. Your incoming messages will be redirected to our Cherper account and Art of deviants account. We will try to fix the server or at least try to get some of the messages across, but it may take some time. We will be up and running in a fort night or so.

But for now, here’s first of your messages.

As a fully fledged member of the Pandora Organisation, you will be required to fulfil your duties in correlation to you assigned role [field agent]:
  • You must protect both humanity and the mystics from potential threats. This can include possession, curses, threats of barbarism on either side, etc. 
  • Teamwork is mandatory. All field agents are required to work in minimum groups of two. You will be paired with someone who compliments your own skills. The exception to the rule is for investigations, though consent compunction between the two is vital; with reports back to the supervisor at the end of the investigation.

  • Communication with the Organisation is mandatory, as back up or solutions may be needed in certain cases, through a field supervisor, via the provided communicators. Failure to do so with result in disciplinary action, or result in miscommunication or death in the field. 
  • Upkeep of any equipment or weaponry that you carry. Before you are able to work in the field, you are required to learn how to repair your equipment using the bare essentials, as maintenance will not always be at hand in the field. Agents may wish to venture to the science department for annual maintenance. As an agent, you must be able to keep all equipment in top condition to avoid failure at inopportune moments. Upgrades are accessible to C class agents and higher only. Modifications to D class agents and lower without the knowledge of the superiors will be trialled and will resulted in either a penalty or suspension.

  • When you arrive, there will already be members of the CUC there working ground control. To gain access to the area, you will need to show them your ID card, to prove that you are a member of the organisation. Any persons with you will have to be discussed with the CUC agent.

  • In case of capture and/or interrogation, you must never reveal anything about the organisation. There is a button on your communicator and other items which do not raise suspicion, that will alert the closest agency of your location. Until back up is provided, stay silent and, if necessary, be prepared to sacrifice in order to keep the existence of Pandora secret.

  • In the event of injury, absence or death of you partner, you will either be assigned a replacement partner, or your field supervisor and team leader will assist you on missions until you new partner is assigned, or the injured party is returned to active duty.

And above all stay safe agent.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Hey! Look What I Found!

Hi everyone, its Nadia Williams and Tara Washington from TanraStudios and....

Nadia: Pft!!! Ha ha ha

Tara: ...What?

Nadia: I'm sorry, 'm sorry - but look at what I found!

{Both look at a document Nadia has}

Tara: And this is...?

Nadia: It's an old initiation form for Pandora. Wait I'll read it out.

Dear Candidate,

This letter has been written to congratulate you on your initiation to the agency. As of today, you are a member of the Pandora Organisation. You, agent, are the world's last hope, a defender of peace and an agent of balance. 

Your life, now, will never be the same and you will commit your life to the cause. However, if you do decide to leave the Organisation under any circumstance, all of your memories of the experiences you have witnessed will be sealed and, if you leak secrets to the public, you will be erased.

Please find inclosed your I.D. pass and your new communicator

Good luck agent,

V. Povell.

Tara:... Oh my

Nadia: Why So Serious? It sounds like a threat

Tara: Maybe it was a...warning...type...thing...?

Nadia: I don't know, but I find it laughable compared to what the new one is.

Tara: Now I think about it, maybe that's the reason why there was barely any agents at the time?

Nadia: Probably. Her assistant told her to change it - but anyway, don't you think that there's way too many agents around here, now?

Tara: Well, there have been more problems here lately.

Nadia: hmm...true, but with this many people? Anyone or anything could sneak through the system!

Tara: Then may be we shouldn't talk here?

Nadia: you're right

*click*  end.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Incoming Message

To my dear friend,
If you can see this, then the worst has befallen me. I'm on the run. But while I'm fighting to leave this place, I've deciphered the first code, or, at least, one of them...
Trust no one - not even yourselves... {/artjffdhfkfylk;}...is searching for the...{fyjkfkydkd}...is a traitor. He planted the seed of sin in all of us. He believes that it will corrupt us - give him the advantage.
The message cuts off there, like there's a passage missing, and there's something strange at the end
'Six hands united, Six stars will die and the world will fall back into the nothingness from which it first came.'
That's all I got, the message ends there; I’m not sure what it means, but I think it maybe some type of prophecy. Send it to the higher ups, before it's too la…
Nadia & Tara:…
Nadia: OK...you weren’t supposed to see that - hey, Tara, contact Madam Povell. This is something she needs to see.
Tara: OK, then find a way to take down this for the system before people see it!

Friday, 11 March 2016

Diving Into Youtube!

Hey guys! Nadia and Tara here!

In the next few months, we're setting up a Youtube channel. It'll cover things about the site, our world, messages from characters, a ranting playlist and talks about tropes in comics and what can be done better.

Currently, we're just in the middle of setting things up in preparation for our first vids. So, keep an eye out for that! And we'll see you again real soon!

Ha! Mark Crilley jab! (love you really!)

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Y'All Get Your Popcorn Ready!

Hey y'all! Its Nadia and Tara from Tanra Studios!

Tara: Today we're just taking a brief break from the Tanra lore for a short and sweet post that you guys might find interesting! To celebrate the big debut of the first chapter of Pandora, we're going to be releasing a manga trailer!

Right now, we're in the middle of sorting out the music with a very talented music artist. If lady luck is on our side, we'll have it with us by the end of this month or the start of the next.

Nadia: Right now, I'm in the middle of scripting for it and racing to finish chapter one in time. Our goal is May.

I just got my laptop back (finally) and I'm in the middle of catching up with everything. We'll be having a lot more creative posts once I'm back on track.

Tara: So, with that to look forwards to, we'll see you all next time, Agents!

Nadia and Tara


Tuesday, 1 March 2016

TANRA Lore: Part 3 - The Concept of Death

Hey guys! Nadia and Tara here! Today's topic is a bit of a dark one, but stick with us. We wanted to talk to you about the lifelines of each being, from god, to man, and everything in-between, so we'll hand over to our friend, who works in the underworld. Her name is



Nadia: Oh for F*** Sake!

???: I'm Baaaaaaack!

Nadia: What are you doing here!?!

???: I got bored! :3

Tara:.....Aaaanyway, while Nadia is busy, we'll hand over to our Underworld representative for now, otherwise we'll never get anything done. lol. So, welcome Representative, since our buzzer buddy wont let us fully introduce you.

***: Um....Ahem. I am here to talk about lifelines and the shape of the soul. While it is our duty as reapers to collect souls once the lifeline is completely woven by Mistress *BEEP*

???: Sorry, that's spoilers!

***: ...*sigh*....By the Mistress, there are steps that occur beforehand. The Life lines begin with the name of the soul written on a special plaque at one end, from which the threads of that person's fate flow from. As the person experiences life, the mistress will weave the threads, in which their connections, their experiences are shown. 

At the end of their life, the bell at the end of the threads begins to ring. The bell tolls three times before finally, the threads reach their end, and the bell falls, with it freeing their souls from their physical forms, allowing the reapers to guide them to the afterlife.

Tara: Are there any other things that can happen to the souls after the lifelines are woven?

***: There are two things, mainly. Firstly, there is the cycle of rebirth. A soul, once delivered to the afterlife, undergoes the process of reincarnation. 

The souls must be purified, allowing the threads to be unwoven and the soul returns to its purist form. This process can take centuries before the soul is ready for rebirth. However, on rare cases, a soul is rushed through this process. Unfortunately, due to the impurities that remain, these souls can become corrupted, sometimes recalling its previous life, or can become destructive. In this case, it is better to destroy its current form and return it to the rebirthing cycle. 

There is an exception here - if the gods are the ones who rushed a soul through the cycle. There can be many reasons for this. Firstly, the soul must be deemed worthy. This could be due to heroic acts performed in life, or are otherwise favoured by the gods.

???: OK! That'll be all, folks!

Nadia: Hey! Who said it would end here!!! Tara! Do something!!!

Tara: Uh.....well, 'til next time then, Agents!

Nadia: That's not what I meant!!!!!!