Voice 3: Can I finish my turn now?
Voice 4: Yes dear, go one.
*Voice 3’s eyes narrowed picking a single card from his deck, kissing it and placing it onto the board, it sunk down and fluttered into the a temple.*
Voice 3: Just in case. This might come in handy, but lets hope it doesn't come to that.
*(Voice 1) says nothing about (Voice 3’s) choice, at least for now. After all, there had been plenty of times such a move had been done before and they were technically opponents in this Game, whether they took temporary alliances or otherwise. Still, he filed the knowledge of the unknown card for the moment, instead turning their attention back to the board with sharp eyes, resting their chin on steepled fingers, their yes resting on a few areas of the board for a brief moment, though their face gave nothing away. Finally, with a faint smile, they leaned back in their ‘throne’*
Voice 1: I believe this would be ‘Zugzwang’. *Smiling* Thankfully, this is not chess. As such, I pass my turn, since there is little point in Triangulation in our Game. Consider it my Waiting Move.
*There was an ever so slight shock from the other two players before they composed themselves. Looking back to the decks, (Voice 4) looked over the field, shooting a knowing gaze over the player and the field in which their sick game was being played.*
Voice 1: You have a similar standpoint, don’t you, (Voice 4)? Waiting until something catches your interest?
*(Voice 4) hums a moment, not denying that (Voice 1) did have a point. Sometimes it was better to wait for the right opportunity to come up. Despite the taunting from all four of them at times, or the occasional ‘playing dumb’ or ‘pushing boundaries’, (Voice 1) wasn’t entirely wrong in utilising that tactic. In past games, he had done the same.*
Voice 4: It has its merits, and it isn’t against the rules. Very well, your pass is permitted.
Voice 1: My thanks.
*Sitting back in his throne, (Voice 1) lazily reshuffled his deck, flipping though each card, almost a particular relic of a card, one slight faded but still legible-
That particular piece had recently been there, sitting alone in his deck, looked over but ever be present, waiting for it to be called to action; It faintly glowed, humming slightly in the inky blackness of the void the Voices resided in.*
Voice 3: (Voice 2), do me a favor and make the body found in a week. It should be long enough for the One to stew in his own depravity.
Voice 2: What a sick mind you have, boy. But alright, you seem to have some form of plan.
Voice 3: Well, I wonder if my sick mind’s hareditory? I must get that checked at some point.
Voce 2: ...Indeed. You don't want to go mad and decide to destroy our little game to forge it in your own twisted image. Wouldn't that be a tragedy?
Voice 3: …..
Voice 4: Enough!!!
Voice 1 & 2: ….Sorry…..
*While the others were arguing, (Voice 1) picked up the glowing card and, for the longest moment, just looked at it. This card...there was potential within that card, but it wasn’t something that could be used lightly.*
Voice 2: Huh…. planning to use that worn out card? You’ve used in twice in our last game, that beast would kill you long before you have a chance to give it an order… then what? The beast would consume every living thing it came across, causing wave after wave after wave, undead ‘puppets,’ until there was nothing. No mystic, no man or god left.
To call that beast is to call the end of everything. Surely not even you would be that stupid to call it forth again. You could barely control it last time. It took ‘our’ combined power to tame the beast. We both know that, yes, it could be your trump card if your plans go capoot, BUT is the risk… no, price is probably a better word.
Is the price worth it? Who knows what it would do with an elder god’s soul? It may even gain sentience and then we’re all screwed. Neither you or I or anyone else at this table would be able to stop it. That is the path I see if you so wish to use that piece.
Voice 3: What are you talking about?
Voice 2: It's not important, just a time where we had to reset a game because one of the pawns got a little too out of control. Don't get me wrong, if you know how to control such pieces then it's a great thing to have in your deck, but the higher they are, the more destructive they become. And the more destructive they become, the more they will feed on the users life force.
Voice 3: Wait ,does that mean YOU have a card like that in your deck also? Coz if so. then I-
Voice 2: No. I’ve never once considered having those…things in my arsional. They’re too unpredictable. You think a rogue or fallen god is hard to control…? I’ve seen games where they'd literally consumed a player due to the player’s overconfidence. They’re parasites, last ditch efforts, to win a game. Believe me, you’re better off commanding a legion of heroes than messing with those things.
If your pieces fall, you can always revive them, but if you as a player are gone… well, there's no coming back from that. And, as much as I despise (Voice 1), I wouldn't even wish that upon him. If it were up to me, I would destroy that thing…. But it's not up to me, now is it?
*Despite everything, (Voice 1) says nothing, only offering a smile. However, the smile was not one of any form of joy or even visiousessness. It was a quiet, hollow kind of smile. Should one look closer, they might have caught a flicker of emotion within their eyes, but it was gone in a moment as they closed their eyes, giving the other players and their observer no indication of what they might truly be thinking in that response.*
Voice 3: Whether that's the case or not, there's people I want to see after this game ends. I want to live for that.
Voice 2: So that’s the reason why you’re here.
Voice 3: Isn’t it yours, too? Besides, no matter what happens, this is the last game, right? After we're done here, the game goes on autopilot until where next summoned to a different plain, right?
Voice 4: Yes, that is true. But how it will end is another story entirely.
Voice 2: Right, and who ever wins here determines how this world will live.
Voice 3: I see. So I better win then.
Voice 4: Careful now, or your little alliances may falter.
Voice 3: *Chuckle* I know, just thinking allowed. Besides, this little game is proving to be more interesting by the turn, learning more about you all as each of your plans fail and succeed. I’m beginning to understand just how this final game is going to play out.
Voice 4: … Is that so? You have a bad habit of assuming things.
Voice 3: What do you mean?
Voice 4: We’re going to take a little break. I think you need to see this.
*(Voice 4), leaned over, touching the boy’s forehead. The world seemed to warp slightly as the table reverted back to its previous state in the last game. Broken, burnt pieces scattered across the room. Pieces frozen, glitching in and out of existence. Before them, (Voice 3) was shown the past selves of the other two players, and the last fateful play of the dreaded piece.*
Voice 2: IDIOT! You’re going to DIE! Give up that-!
Voice 1: NO…! I…!
Voice 4: That’s it! I let you both police yourselves and this is what happens? Ahg!
*(Voice 4) seemed to be bitten by a rogue beast. Eyes glowing, he stretched out his hand, snatching away the card from the other elder god’s hand, throwing in down onto the table.*
Voice 4: (Voice 1 & 2), help me! We’re going to tame this beast! NOW!
*The three gods focused what little energy they had left on the card, almost destroying it in the process.*
Voice 4: What happened? What did it turn out like this? Was it overfed?
Voice 2: No...I’m not quite sure myself? I not the one using it, but even I felt how addicting it’s sweet venum was… I can't even imagine how (Voice 1) felt. For a second there, it was like-
Voice 1&2: Like I was possessed.
Voice 1: I don't know… I was winning... Ragna was listening to me, obeying me, but then... I lost control…. Was it feeding on me? Or was it…? That might be it.
Voice 4: *Knowing eyes* It most likely was overfed, whether it was by feeding on your soul or amplifying your wish… What I believe is that it should be starved for a time, almost to the point where it will become a level 0 piece, then build it up from there.
Voice 2: If it were me I would send it back into the Void.
Voice 4: It is not your choice, so you have no right to say.
Voice 1: …. Ragna….*They close their eyes for a moment, almost pained* ...You’re right (Voice 4). Perhaps I should forget about using her for now. At this point, she’s too much… even for me….. But I won't destroy her…. Not now…. I...might need her again.
Voice 2: At what cost? Look at the board…. There's nothing! Nothing (Voice 1)! No more pieces, no more turns and this game is void. And then there's you…. You’re bleeding… Wasn't it you who said that there no point in keeping a dog that bites its master? You’re bitten, battered and bruised. I know you’re attached to that card, but at this point it’s doing more damage to your cause than good.
Voice 4: Enough! Stop. I’m resetting the game. Both of you... help me.
Voice 1: Yes…
Voice 2: ...Sure….
Voice 4: *Sigh* We need a third player. I’ll select them when the time comes and, when said time comes, I’ll relinquish your sacred beast back into your care. Hopefully Ragna’s power level will be back at 0 and you’ll be able to use it again.
Voice 1: ...Understood… Until then… my Sacred Beast…is in your care.
Voice 4: *Snapping Fingers* Thank you for your cooperation.
Voice 1 & 2:...
Voice 4: Now lets clean this place up…. The pieces that were obliterated… There’s no coming back. There’s too much damage to them for their souls to be reforged. I suggest we all start a fresh. New rules, new pieces, new board. And a pre game is in order. I’ll make a new set of ruled for this pre game. They may change again, but until then, let's try it. Agreed?
Voice 1 & 2: Agreed.
Voice 2: Are you ok?
Voice 1: You know exactly how I feel…..
Voice 2: ... It's not your fault, remember that…
Voice 1: ...We have work to do… lets go.
Voice 2: ...Yeah…
*Looking at the situation, (Voice 3) could pick up the vibe (Voice 1) was giving. It wasn’t that the card was just too powerful for the wielder, it was the fact that his companion was out of his reach, a well trained familiar had become feral, feeding on his negative emotions feeding on his being. And the only way to save said familiar was to abandon it for a time. Calm himself down and, in turn, calm the beast. Was (Voice 1) always this way, (Voice 3) wondered? Looking at (Voice 4), (Voice 3) spoke softly*
Voice 3: Can we go back even further? To a time where ‘Ragna’ worked properly?
Voice 4: I have no objections. Do you wish to help your opponent? I thought you wanted to win. That card might be your downfall.
Voice 3: I doubt it. Besides, I don't want him doing something he might regret. If I can help, I will. I meant what I said centuries ago - ‘if it weren't for the fact that I’m taken, I might have wanted to help and heal his heart.’
Voice 4: *Smirk & scoff* Fine, but for what you wish to see, we’re going to have to go back further, and to a different plain entirely
Voice 3: Fine, lets go.
*For a moment, (Voice 4) observed the younger god, before nodding. Meanwhile, as (Voice 4) prepared to show (Voice 3) those past events, the two players left behind were quiet for a moment. Sighing, (Voice 1) steepled his hands once more, eyes resting on Ragna’s card. At length, he spoke.*
Voice 1: I’m not entirely certain why they would be so eager to delve into the past. However, I suppose he is a player now. It is only fair that we all be on even footing. Is that not what we agreed?
Voice 2: *Resting head on palm of her hand and chuckling* You answered your own question…. dummy.
Voice 1: *Shaking head* No….That’s not what I mean. In terms of the game, it makes sense, yes, but that child of yours….for all that they are a player, that they are quite capable of tactics and logical thinking enough to play at our level despite the fewer years of experience….they don’t always follow through simply because of logic. Was that not why they became a player in the first place?
Voice 2: *Knowing Eyes* Pft! Haven't you been watching that child long enough? To be honest, though he was fathered by another man… he might as well have been yours. He has both your best and most annoying traits - well, the old you anyway. He’s…impulsive when it comes to protecting those who cannot protect themselves, far too willing to self sacrifice when need be and has an annoying compulsion to help someone who desperately needs it… even when there the last person in this universe who deserve it.
He’s doing this out of curiosity and compassion. Can't you just accept it and leave it at that? There's a reason why you didn't destroy Ragna - not just because She was your…trump, but because of an illogical attachment that you won't ever be able to shake. Odds are you won't use her in this game, but the sentiment means that much. Odds are that her power level will be under 0 by the time you’ll play her, if you do at all, and it will be because of that fur ball.
But that's not the question here. The question is…how will you thank him?
*(Voice 1) shot her a look for a moment, searching her expression. She didn’t need to do or say anything, however. Despite their differences, despite their roles, they had known each other for long enough that (Voice 2) didn’t need to clarify further. Reading what they wanted from her expression, (Voice 1) snorted softly, closing their eyes again, a slight smile on their face*
Voice 1: ...Who knows?